Thank you.

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No one would read this entire thing thoroughly, but whatever, I just want to be sentimental. 

When I first started Wattpad, I had never imagined that I could go this far. I assumed that my works would be lost among the millions of other works published by millions of people out there. I never ever ever thought that I could have actually reached a hundred reads for a book, and now, I have nearly 3.6k reads on this?? 😲😲I'm absolutely humbled by this, and definitely so so grateful. 

Writing has always been something I loved to do ever since I was around 9 or 10 years old. My teachers always liked my essays I handed in for assignments, and so I wondered if I should start writing hard-core, passionately. I remember the first notebook I had that had so many cringey tales, I was so embarrassed. I loved writing, but my insecurities kept me from telling my friends, or publishing it to the public. 

When I found out that there were platforms for publishing fanfictions, original ideas, I thought, fuck it, just publish something. That was probably one of the most life-changing decisions I've ever made, and I'm only 13! Sure, my writing wasn't exactly flawless the first few chapters, but I kept practicing, and kept publishing more chapters. I didn't expect that I could've made friends online, and connect to my readers.

I_ship_it24 was the first person to comment on my chapters, and I still remember! You made my day! 😘😘

Fall_Out_Girl_16 you were my first internet friend, and I was really happy when we talked, and got to know each other better! You were also one of the first few people that are really dedicated and kept reading my chapters! 💕💕

soIaces Talking to you was so fun! Discussing about books with you was awesome! You were one of the later readers, but I'm so glad that you chose my book to read, and definitely happy that I can call you my friend. 👏💘

Ann7512SpamanoLoveChildrenLunafox15Tiadaughterofposiden Y'all are a reallyyy sweet bunch that I recognise as dedicated readers, I'm just so happy that you all enjoy my work! HUGS FOR ALL OF YOU!!💞💜

izzygo4848 and SnowyGirlLovesSnowyou two were the sweethearts that commented on my chapters, and I'm so pleased, every time I read comments! Kisses! 💋💋

The thing is, I'm really thankful for all of my readers, even if I do not seem like I do. All of you honestly changed my life, by encouraging me to write more, and I hope that you'll stick with me throughout, even after this book has finished, because I'm sure as hell not stopping writing anytime soon. 

I'm really happy that I decided to publish this fanfiction, because I never would have 'met' y'all, yes, including my silent readers. AHAHAH. Also, no, I'm not ending this book today, lol. I'm just so sentimental because 2016, though shitty, was one of the best years I've had. 

Love, K. 

P.S. I think there may be someone else I didn't mention but, I'm still very thankful for you, whoever you are!! 

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