
2.4K 69 10

Nico shivered as a small gust of wind snaked up his spine. Even bundled up in these winter clothes, Nico was still freezing. Winter was definitely Nico's favorite season, despite the fact that he hated the cold. The thing was, Winter was beautiful. When captured at the right time, the right place, Winter could take your breath away. It was mesmerizing from the smallest details, like the snowflakes that fall from the sky to grace Earth with their gentle beauty to the biggest details, like the trees that were doused with snow, or the landscapes covered by the thick blanket of snow. 

"Cold?" Will's familiar voice whispered, and a small gust of hot air ghosted over the shell of Nico's ear. 

"Very." Nico answered, and immediately tangled their fingers together. 

Will laughed, and Nico stood closer to his warm boyfriend. As the child of Apollo, the God of the Sun, Will radiated warmth, literally! He was like a walking heater during winter. And Nico was very thankful about that. The only reason why the duo were outside instead of inside by the fireplace with cups of hot chocolate in their hands was because Will wanted to take Nico ice-skating.  In truth, this was Nico's very first Christmas. After hearing that, Will insisted to take Nico out for all the cliche winter activities. 

"You're gonna love ice-skating." Will said, and Nico resisted to urge to laugh. 

Nico knew that he was going to suck. He just went because well...Will could be very persuasive. Nonetheless, he did want to enjoy Christmastime and Winter for as long as it lasts. 


"Oh gods." Nico said, wobbling dangerously on the ice. 

Will smirked, snaking an arm around Nico's waist and steadying him. Nico was on the ice for barely two minutes and he's already fallen twice. 

"No fair. You can't look like supermodel when I look like a drunkard." 

"I look like a supermodel anytime, anywhere." Will retorted, and they burst into giggles. "You're doing...great." 

"Don't lie to me, Will. I know I suck." 

Thus begun their attempt at ice-skating. Will, of course, was as flawless as ever. Nico, on the other hand, was not as...good. In fact, standing in the rink was an accomplishment for him. 

"'ll get better soon, babe, I promise." Will told Nico, who simply glared at him. 

"I'm still mad at you." Nico pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. Will smirked, and tilted the smaller male's face upward before pressing a quick kiss onto the tip of Nico's nose. As expected, the brunet's cheekbones were now tainted a slight reddish-pink. 

"Not anymore." Will said cheekily, and Nico punched his arm as a response.

"C'mon, let's go home. I'll make hot chocolate." At this, Nico brightened.

He pulled Will to his feet, dragging both of them toward the direction of home, where they'd definitely cuddle and waste the rest of the night in each other's arms. 


Author's note: CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy this chapter, I plan to make the next one fluffy. Hopefully I can deliver. *Laughs nervously.* I apologize for my disappearance last week. I was in the 'Procrastinating' mood. Sooooo...yeah. ALSO!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR 2.38k!!!!!!!!! Let's get it to 2.5k, okay? YAY! As usual, art does not belong to me, credits and KUDOS to the original owner. 

Love, K. 

P.S. Should I do a Q&A? Kinda want to...but y'all want one????????????????????? Or shall I be a mystery forever? AHAHAHA. JK. 

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