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Steam poured out of the shower in tendrils, curling the edges of his raven black hair. Goosebumps rose on his skin as cold air eveloped him, just as he stepped out of the shower. He'd purposefully left the door to the bathroom open, and Nico could clearly see his blond boyfriend, reading silently on the hotel bed, his eyes scrunched up in concentration. Nico smiled to himself, flushing slightly pink.

"Nico? Your...um..phone is ringing."

"Who's calling?"

"I don't know. You didn't save the number. It's 8435 7767."

Nico's breath hitched. He deleted that number from his phone, but that didn't stop him from remembering. Nico's entire frame froze, painful and traumatising memories washed over him like a tidal wave. He wanted to just...forget! But Kyle had left him scars too deep to heal completely. Kyle had been Nico's ex-boyfriend. He'd been verbally and physically abused by the blond, leaving Nico unable to love for years. Until he met...Will.

"Should I pick it up? It's been three missed calls." Will asked again.

What, in Hades would Kyle possibly want from him?! It's been two years!

"Neeks?" Will's voice had taken a turn, now softer and more concerned.

"Don't pick up." To Nico's horror, his voice came out shaky and near hysteria.

Kyle's abusive ways and unhealty realtionship with Nico left him mentally and emotionally scarred. Nico had lived in sheer terror for months, always afraid of doing the wrong thing and getting punished.

"Nico, who is this person?" Will pressed, his voice careful, gentle even.

However, Nico detected something in the way his boyfriend said it, was that Nico was to tell the truth.

"He's..." Their eyes connected in the mirror, and Nico looked deeply in troubled baby blues.

He breathed in shakily.

"S..someone...I'd rather forget." He said, squeezing his eyes shut, in an attempt to stop his tears from escaping.

His breaths became shuddery, and uneven, no matter how hard he tried to control them. Nico heard soft footsteps that alerted him that Will was approaching. Warm fingertips stroked his jawline and soft lips came upon them, placing comforting closed mouthed kisses onto Nico's jawline and throat. Fingers wiped at his cheek. Nico had spent hours memorising this touch. The touch that made him feel so secure, so safe. A touch that calmed him immediately.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, more tears slipping down his cheeks.

"Don't be." Came the reply.

Nico sensed Will wrapping his arms around his waist, burrying his face into the crook of Nico's neck.

"Tell me when you're ready. There's no rush." The gentleness of Will's voice made Nico want to cry again.

He inhaled sharply.


"Good." Will kisses him gingerly on the cheek, before leaving the bathroom, closing the door with a soft, 'click.'

Nico immediately missed his boyfriend's comforting and warm touch.

A touch he'd actually yearn for. Unlike Kyle. Kyle was just bad memories and nigtmares. Every single touch from Kyle made Nico feel disgusting. Made him squirm with disgust. He thought that he'd forgotten the scar Kyle left on him. But no. The memories were still clear as crystal, and fresh as day.


Nico opened the door, fully dressed and spotted Will frowning at his phone.

"What happened?" Nico asked, taking a seat beside Will.

"This...random number has resorted to verbally abusing you after 5 missed calls."

Nico dared a peek at his phone screen.

8435 7767: You pick your phone up, you bastard.

8435 7767: Don't be a little shit about it.

"What does he want from me?!" Nico cried out, surprising Will.

"Who is this?!"

"Kyle." Saying his name took a tremendous effort not to cry or hit something.


"My ex.."


"He...he was abusive. The first month, everything was heaven. Then, he started drinking. He'd come home late, and get irate everytime I question him. And I'd....get beat up."

"Neeks!" Will sounded apalled.

"Soon, he started drinking almost every hour. And when he got drunk, he became angry all the time. And I'd get hit. Again. Again. And again. I could just be walking past him, and he'd pounce." Nico inhaled sharply, steadying his nerves.

Will placed a hand onto Nico's shoulder. Nico looked over and smiled.

"I didn't know how I did it, but...I told him, that it wasn't working out anymore, when he was soberest. He looked positively angered. But I high tailed out of there. And...then you know the rest."

"Nico....why didn't you tell me sooner?" Disbelief was evident in Will's voice, and shock was sketched onto Will's features.

"I...guess...because I just wanted to forget."

"Oh Nico." Will answered, wrapping his arms around the brunet.

Nico chuckled softly.

"It's in the past now. Now, now I have you. The best boyfriend I can ever ask for."


They giggled and shared a soft kiss.

Author's note: Wowza! A chapter straight after I just updated. That has to be a new record. Anyway, enjoy this part. I have no idea where I got this, but I like writing angst from time to time. Poor Nico. Don't worry, more fluff and smut is to come! I love you all babes, keep slayin' all your life.

Love, K.

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