Flowers grow in my lungs.

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"You have the Hanahaki disease."


The bell buzzed, and Will immediately dropped the toy truck he had in his hands and tore toward the front door. 

"Will, remember what Mommy told you, wait for an adult before you can open the door!" He slowed when he heard his mother's cautionary voice. 

"Well, we don't want to keep the visitor waiting, do we, Mommy?" 

Naomi peeked out from the kitchen muttering something about murderers and how they could wait. But she opened the door, nonetheless. 

Will caught sight of a pretty, brunette woman, her red lips pulled in a welcoming smile. It took Will a moment to notice a carbon copy of the woman, but a boy version scowling beside her. The boy had pale, olive skin, inky locks and the most creamy, lovely brown eyes. 

"Hi, so sorry to disturb you, but we just moved in next door, and I wanted to give you this." 

Will watched as his mother accepted the basket that was offered and smelt the smell of warm, freshly baked goods. 

"Oh, thank you, you didn't have to. Would you like to come in? I was just making dinner-" 

"I wouldn't want to trouble you.." 

Naomi smiled and laughed. "Nonsense, I'm supposed to make you feel welcome. Come in, come in, bring your little boy with you." 

The woman's smile softened, and she gingerly stepped in. She finally noticed Will, bending down to peer curiously at him. After a moment, she ran her fingers through his hair. 

"Aren't you a little rascal, you. You're just like Nico. Quiet, small-" 

"Will? Quiet?!" Naomi laughed, as though she had heard the funniest joke. "You have got to be kidding me." 

So Nico was the strange boy's name. Will didn't know why, but he found himself intrigued by the other boy. He had a sense of mystery to him, like it wasn't easy to get past his exterior. 

"What are you looking at?" Will blinked, brain ceasing to work. 

"Nico Di Angelo. Don't be rude to Will. Go on, play with him. I see some trucks over there, oh, wow some dolls too." 

"I don't like to restrict my children to gender roles." Naomi interjected, with a tight smile. 

"That's actually a wonderful idea." The women's awkward tension disappeared, and they walked into the kitchen, leaving their children together. 

Nico ignored Will, which was expected. Nico also ignored the toys that littered part of the living room. 

Instead, he headed to the coffee table, where a stack of paper Will's mom had placed there lay. 

Nico kneeled, his head just above the coffee table. He reached for a piece of paper. For a second, Will wondered if his Mother would mind about the stolen paper, but the doubt disappeared when Nico looked around the living room, eyes darting as though he was trying to figure out where something was. 

"Are you looking for a pen? My Mom keeps them in the bottom drawer, here." 

Will opened the drawer, and pulled out a few pencils. "Oh, I think she took away the pens." 

Nico stared at him with large, brown eyes. Will found his silence unnerving, yet it seemed to contribute to Will's intrigue toward this boy. 

"The pencils are okay. Mama tells me they are better when I want to draw. Because it can be...era.." 

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