Naomi Solace.

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"So, should I call her Naomi, or Mrs Solace? What do I even do when I get there?" Will looked up from tying his shoelaces to shoot his boyfriend a puzzled look. 

"Are you gonna have a panic attack?" 

Nico glared at him sharply, before it dissolved into a worried frown. Will couldn't help but stifle a laugh at his boyfriend's nervousness. Nico worried about the littlest of things, like where to put your shoes when you enter. 

"Do not laugh at me, Solace. Need I remind you about the time with my father?" 

Will flushed, but managed to snap a comeback, "At least I didn't look like I'm going to throw up." 

Nico rolled his eyes, and Will felt the urge to kiss him, but he knew Nico probably wouldn't have liked that, in his condition. 

"I mean, what if she doesn't like me? What if she thinks I'm too dark and emo? What if she feels like you can do better? What if-" 

Ah, fuck it.

Will rose to his feet, and backed Nico against the wall. Before the brunet could protest, Will connected their lips. Nico stiffened, but just for a mere second before he melted into the kiss. Nico tasted a little like peppermint and cinnamon, a taste Will's grown to love. They pulled away, and Will leaned his forehead against Nico's. 

"Feel better now? She's going to like you, Neeks. I promise." 

Nico only smiled, nodding.


The butterflies in Nico's stomach fluttered even more anxiously as they neared the house. It was a beautiful, small and quaint house, the garden on the front lawn neatly trimmed and well-kept. Will squeezed his hand gently, and Nico smiled to himself. 


The duo entered the garden, following the pavement, toward the front door. Will rapped sharply on the wood, and murmured something about the bell being broken. 

"Boys! You're here, you're finally here!" The door flung open to reveal a middle-aged woman. 

She had platinum blonde hair, rosy cheeks and the very same baby blue eyes that Will had. She invited them in, just as a chubby pug came bounding into the hallway. It yipped and yapped when it saw Will. 

"Hey, little guy! Aw, I missed you too." Will patted the pug's head, and it turned to Nico. 

Oh no. Please, no. 

The pug whined, and took off, running up the stairs, whining all the way. 

"Caramel! Come back!" Naomi called after the little thing. 

Without thinking, Nico gingerly placed a hand on Will's mother's shoulder and said, "It's okay, animals and I don't really get along well, you know, with me being the son of Hades and all." 

Naomi smiled, and nodded in understanding. 

"Alright boys, come on, dinner's all ready." 

Nico shrugged off his coat, which unfortunately, decided to be an ass and refuse to come off. 

"Need help?" Nico blushed, but nodded, and Will assisted him in taking off his coat. 

"Thanks." Their eyes connected, and Nico flushed even further. 

"D'awww, you both are simply adorable." 

"Mum!" Will whined, and Naomi chuckled, and disappeared into the kitchen. 

With a sigh, the two of them followed her.


" is everything?" Nico looked up, and wondered if the question was for him. 

"It's pretty good, we visit Camp Half-Blood sometimes. School's been great too." 

Naomi nodded, and turned her eyes toward Nico. 

Shit, doomsday has arrived. 

"So, Nico, I hope I don't come off as overly harsh or anything, but...if you hurt my baby, I will end you, you understand?" 

"MUM! Stop scaring him!" 

Surprisingly, Nico laughed. 

"Yes, Mrs Solace." 

Naomi clucked, and told Nico that Naomi was fine. 

They spent the rest of dinner listening to Naomi's stories, and telling Naomi about the Seven, Camp and all their other misadventures. And it's safe to say, that this dinner was pretty successful. 


"Hey, Mom? Do you mind if I find Caramel? I wanna say goodbye." 

"Not at all, sweetie!" 

Will disappeared upstairs, leaving Nico and Naomi alone. The air became a teeny bit awkward. 

"Nico, can I just say something?" 

"Sure, is it bad? Should I worry?" 

Naomi laughed. 

"No, it isn't bad. Well, let me just say that...I'm glad Will's found you. He seems really happy, and when he's happy, I'm happy." She paused. "You're a wonderful boy too, Nico." 

Nico smiled, and did something very un-Nico-like. He asked for a hug, to which Naomi accepted. Her hung made Nico feel all warm and fuzzy inside, like he wanted to be a child again. 

"So Caramel refuses to get out from under the bed- WHAT IS THIS?" 

Naomi and Nico pulled apart, and laughed. 

"This is unfair, Nico hugs no one!" Naomi continued to chuckle. 

"C'mon, Will. It's getting late. Bye, Naomi, it's been a pleasure." 

They waved a final goodbye at the woman, before leaving. 

Their fingers tangled with each other's again as they began their journey back home. 


Author's note: Aw, this was pretty cute. Enjoy this chappie! Love you guys so so much! Take care!! 

Love, K. 

P.S, absolutely in love with the art, like seriously, it's my effin lockscreen. CREDS & KUDOS TO OWNER.

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