Glazed eyes, Empty hearts.

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"Bye, babe." Nico tasted copper as soon as the word 'babe' left his mouth. 

"Aw, come on, not even one kiss?" 

Nico gritted his teeth, but forced himself to smile. "You're late for work." 

Before his boyfriend could even reply, he pushed the boy out of the door, locking it. 

He sighed, sinking onto the floor in defeat. He tried so hard to get those words out, but they always seemed to ledge in his throat, and his tongue refuses to move. 

"I'm breaking up with you." He uttered, his voice echoing off of the white plaster walls, and into his ears. 

It was so easy to say, so why couldn't he say it to Lukas? His eyes closed, and he pictured the face of his boyfriend. 

Lukas was all angelic features, sharp cheekbones, defined jawline, dark eyes, pale, almost white, blond hair. He was gorgeous, no doubt, but Nico couldn't bring himself to love him. No matter how many times he's felt Lukas' lips against his, they were empty, cold, and just a reminder of what he's lost. 

Lukas' touches didn't send tingles down his spine. Lukas didn't make him feel happy. Lukas was just...a replacement. Someone Nico used to forget the person whose touch was fire. Whose kisses were electric, like lightning. 

Nico only tolerated Lukas. 

Nico loved someone else. 

And that someone, was somewhere across the oceans, probably having the time of his life. 

That someone who could make him smile and laugh genuinely. That someone whose mere touch could make his skin burn, like fire was underneath his skin. That someone's whose lips were softer than cotton, whose lips made his burn for hours and hours. That someone whose kisses were practically electricity down Nico's spine. 

Nico still remembered, the way his lips felt against his own. He still remembered how his fingers danced around his own milky skin. He reminisced about that touch so many times, he could practically feel them. 

Nico sighed, running a hand through his inky black locks, a face he tried so hard to forget, a name he tried so hard not to remember, burning through every single fold of his brain. 


"Hey. Is something wrong?" 

Nico watched as Lukas' brows dipped into a frown. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" 

Nico wanted to say those words, it was so easily said. But the guilt made his throat burn and his eyes water. Lukas believed that Nico loved him back. Lukas believed. 

It made the guilt rise in his throat like bile. He couldn't break Lukas' heart. Not when Lukas has given him his whole heart. 

"I don't know, you just seem.." He trailed off, twirling the fork with his fingers. "Distant." 

The doorbell rang. 

The fork clattered onto the plate. 

"I'll get it!" Nico flew out of the kitchen, down the hallway. 

His breaths were laboured. The guilt, oh gods, was it overwhelming. He took a moment to collect himself, before swinging open the front door. 

The shock, overrode the guilt. 

At the doorway, stood the very same boy whose hands still hold Nico's heart. The very same boy who crushed it. 

The very same boy...whom Nico was still in love with. 

"Will." His name tumbled out of his mouth, and the said boy, grinned sheepishly. 

The grin sent thousands of icy shards into Nico's heart. "You still live here." 

Nico wanted to slap him. He wanted to scream at him. He wanted to do something! He was supposed to feel angry! He was supposed to feel mad at Will for leaving him in pieces at the airport three years ago. 

"Why'd...why'd you come back?" His fingers were itching to trace the lines of Will's already memorised face, but he resisted the urge. 

Will's grin faded, and a look of tenderness replaced it. "Because you said that if we still love each other after three years, we could still make it work." 

"You remembered." Nico's heart lifted, like its grey contents were starting to have colour.

"Of course I did. Gods, these three years have been absolute pain. I just...I don't...I still love you." 

Tears slipped out from his eyes, trailing down his bony cheek. Nico's eyes instantaneously closed. A warm, familiar touch caressed his cheek, and he nearly sobbed in relief. 

Oh gods, this. 

This was what he was missing.

This was what he wanted, what he needed. 

He needed Will, his other half, his best friend, his lover. 

He needed him, all of him. 

Nico gave in to the urge, and threw himself at the taller boy, in a fierce hug. 

Will squeezed gently, and for the first time in years, Nico felt his heart lift. He didn't care that he probably looked like an idiot. His fingers grasped at the collar of Will's tee, tugging desperately, forcing their bodies closer than ever. 

"What is taking so...Nico?!" 

Oh gods. Lukas. 

The two pulled apart quickly, and Nico's mind tried to think of possible excuses.

"What's...going" Lukas said cautiously, and thankfully, Will seemed to read him perfectly well and stayed silent. 

"Well, it's, I'm, I mean." 

Lukas raised a brow, narrowing his eyes. 

"I don't think we're working out anymore. I just, feel horrible, I should've done this sooner, but-"

Lukas raised a hand as an indication for him to shut up. "No, I get it..that's why you've been acting all weird lately. I guess..." He paused, a sad smile on his face. "I know what it's like to still love someone even when their heart's with someone else's."

Nico managed a ghost of a smile. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't be. I'll come over in a few days for my stuff." He looked over to Will. "And you? Don't break his heart anymore, okay?" 

With that, Lukas was gone from the front step. 

"He's a cool guy." 

A smile tugged at the corners of Nico's lips, as he laced their fingers together. "Yeah." 


Author's note: I, am not, a cruel person. Well, I pretend to be, but then I fail and do something nice, like publishing this chapter. So, I hope you enjoy this chapter, cause, well, THEY GET BACK TOGETHER YES!

Also Tiadaughterofposiden your wish is granted. *wink* 

Thank you all for 5k reads, I am so SHOOK! At this point I'm like, so confused, because when I started I was so amatuer. I'm glad y'all like my writing, be sure to check out my other works too, you know, cause I'll be publishing more! I love every single one of you so so so so much, and this goes out to the ghost readers too, you know who you are!! Until the next chapter, my loves. 

Love, K. 

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