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Will Solace casually walked through the doors of Nico's school, aware of all the hushed and excited whispers that exploded around him. Will wasn't one to brag or was arrogant, but he smirked when he heard the girls, and even, some of they boys quietly squeal about how 'hot'  he was. Which was kind of ironic, because his father was Apollo. Will didn't blame them either, for being curious about him. Will was practically blessed with a body of a Greek god, stunning blue eyes and an award winning smile. But Will could care less about all these people. Honestly, he only showed up because he wanted to surprise Nico. 

Will leaned against the wall, waiting patiently for Nico, trying to tune out all the gossips and excited whispers.

"Hello." A sultry voice said, and Will looked to the direction of where it came from. "What's your name, hottie?" 

Will cringed. Girls were so not his thing! Despite the fact that this girl was actually quite attractive, Will just wanted to find his boyfriend. Said boyfriend, however, is nowhere to be found. 

"Um...Will. Have you seen-" 

"Will? That's a nice name." She interrupted, and started to trace circles on Will's forearm. 

"Um, sorry, I'm don't know you-" Will began again, feeling increasingly uncomfortable. 


"Oh hush, I'm flattered that you want to get to know me." The girl giggled, and deliberately raised her voice when she spoke the sentence, so the entire hallway could hear. 

The students' jaws fell open, and the whispers gradually grew louder.  

Will didn't even try to argue. He just blinked and stared at the flirting girl in disbelief. What part of 'don't know you' translate to 'get to know you'? He tried to walk away, but she kept blocking him, preventing him from escape. 

"What do you think you're doing?!" A loud, but unmistakable voice echoed throughout the hallway.

The noise died down immediately, as students eyed the owner of the voice warily. Will immediately relaxed. Nico. 

"Hannah. I demand you to tell me." Nico said, through clenched teeth, as he walked from the end of the hallway, toward them.

"Tell you what, emo boy?" The girl, Hannah, taunted. 

Will felt the urge to tell her off, but something in him told him that Nico could handle this himself.

"Tell me why the hell you're flirting with my BOYFRIEND?!"

Hannah's jaw dropped, and the entire hallway took in a collective gasp. 

"But...but...he's so...handsome! You don't- You can't!" 

"I know he is. That's why he's mine, and not yours. So back off, Hannah, or so help me." Nico hissed, and Will held back a prideful smirk. 

"You got to be joking!" Hannah argued, and Nico rolled his eyes. 

"C'mon babe. I have no time for bitches who flirt with other people's boyfriends." 

Hannah let out an outraged yell, and the hallway burst into quiet laughter. 


"That. Was. Amazing!" Will said, and Nico smiled at him. 

"I know. I can handle myself, as you can see." 

Will laughed, and pressed a quick kiss onto Nico's lips. That was eventful, but still fun to witness. 


Author's note: Tbh, Nico probably is the kind of person that wouldn't warn a person about their impending doom. He'll probably send skeletons after that person just like that. Woo! Back again with another chapter, and I really like this one. Enjoy! 

Love, K.

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