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"Babe?" Nico's eyes flipped open, staring straight into azure, blue eyes. His heart fluttered lightly. "Yeah?" His voice came out unsteady, and his stomach flipped. "Nothin'. Just wanted to make sure that you're alive." Nico snorted. "Dork." Will grinned in reply, playfulness in his eyes. The blond leaned against the tree, arms behind his head. Nico settled against Will's lap. It was moments like these when Nico truly cherished. Quiet times, when it was just the both of them, relaxing, and enjoying each other's company, knowing that both of them were in love with each other. Nico's fingers brushed the blades of green grass underneath him. It was warm,  the chirps of the birds, the quiet whisper of the wind ... and the soft, steady breathing beside him. Perfection. A few months ago, Nico had been a depressed, near-suicidal mess. But now, when he started dating Will, he ... was actually ... he actually ... experienced happiness once again. It was like a first intake of oxygen Nico's had in years. Nico reopened his eyes, finding that he was studying his boyfriend. The long, dark lashes, the freckles that dotted the blond's nose and cheeks ... Will's eyes were closed, thankfully. What had Nico done to deserve this? Will? Will was fucking amazing. And to think, that of all the people drooling over him, he'd chosen Nico. "I can literally feel you staring at me, Neeks." Nico laughed softly in response, before the blond leaned forward to capture his lips in a soft kiss. The kiss sent electricity shooting down Nico's spine like liquid tinsel. Every kiss from Will was pure magic. It was like a fantasy every time. Will's kisses made him blush, shudder and happier. He would never get tired of Will's kisses. He'd always yearn for more of them. They spoke volumes about how Will loved him and Nico, Nico was content with that. Nico shuddered under the blond, a small chuckle escaping him. "Will?" "Hm?" "Ti amo." "I love you too, Death Boy."


A/N: Hey y'alls!!, sorry about being M-I-A for so long. But I had literally, no idea. But! You'll be happy to know that I found my old notebook in which I wrote my old works down. saved this fic from ending. Yay! Honestly, I hate writer's block so effin much. So, here it is....a pathetic excuse for an update. I'm sorry... I like it though, a cutesy, 'deep-ish' fic. So, hopefully, you'll like it. Stay with me, babes! I love you all so much, and thanks for the support!

Love you babes!
- K

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