Work of Art.

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Will Solace looked up, just as his boyfriend, Nico di Angelo walked into the room, his raven-black hair dropping low on Nico's pale forehead, covering his eyes. A red coloured duffel bag hung on one shoulder, and for one moment, Nico looked like a model posing for the cover of a magazine. 

"Hey babe." Nico said, and Will replied with a soft smile. 

Nico ran his hands through his hair, making it appear as though he'd just woken up..or just Will blushed at the thought, just as Nico took a seat at the desk, across from him. 

"How was your day?" Will asked, trying to mask the fact that he was literally lusting after the other male. 

"Stressful. Keegan can honestly fuck himself, that fucking bastard." 

"Woah, that bad huh?" Will asked, laughing softly. 

"Obviously! You'd think someone shoved up a fucking stick up his ass. He was so annoying all day. Granted, he's annoying everyday, but more annoying that usual." 

Nico's face turned a shade redder, and his fist curled up, his jaw taut. 

"You're beautiful, you know that?" Will's voice had been barely above a whisper, but Nico heard it all the same. 

"Wh..what?" All trace of anger had gone in his features, now replaced by shock. Eyes wide open, jaw fallen. 

"I mean, whatever you do, you look so effortless, so beautiful. Even when you're angry, I still see the small little details that I've always fallen in love with." 

Nico's shock had subsided. Now, his face was tinged with a slight pink, shockingly contrasting against his pale skin. His dark brown eyes cast onto the ground, as though afraid to meet Will's gaze. 

"Thank you?" A small smile tugged at Nico's lips, and Will quelled the urge to march up to the boy, and kiss him breathless. 

Whatever it was, angry, sad, happy, whatever he did, smiled, laughed, Nico had his heart. 

Nico was a work of art. 


Author's notes: SURPRISE, MOTHERFUCKERS! I'm back with this short lil' chapter. It's pretty short, but I like it. So you should too. Ahahhaha I'm kidding. MY BIRTHDAY JUST PASSED AND I HAVE 900 READS NOW?? YAYYYYYYY!!!!! THANK YOU!!! ❤💙💚💛💜 HEARTS FOR EVERYBODY!

Love, K.

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