Swords to the chest

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Nico quietly contemplated the piece of metal in front of him. He turned the blade over. He scanned the word, Nico, embroidered at the teeniest corner of the sword. 

"And that, my students, is the basic form of defense with your weapon." Nico glanced up, and paled when he saw the teacher's glare at him. 

"Di Angelo." His tone was tinged with finality. 

"Sorry." Nico replied, not meaning any of it. 

The door swung open. Nico's attention immediately shifted to the newcomer. As his classmates stood up to spar with each other, he was still sitting cross-legged on the floor, the sword between his legs. 

"Ah! Will, a little late, I see." The newcomer flashed Mr Zandar his pearly whites. 

"Sorry, a lil' somethin' came up." The boy, Will, replied. Nico detected a faint southern accent, finding it somewhat sexy. 

Blond, shaggy hair partially covered Will's heart-stoppingly blue eyes. He has broad shoulders and was quite toned. Blood rushed toward Nico's cheeks, flooding it with colour when Will caught his gaze, and winked. 

"DI ANGELO! Get up and stop daydreaming!" Mr Zandar yelled, and Nico scrambled to stand. 

When he looked up, he saw Will staring at him, and resisted the urge to yell. Their eyes locked for a brief second. Bright, blue oceans stared into dark, chocolate coloured eyes. It stole whatever oxygen Nico had in his lungs. However, Will looked away first, heading toward the locker room.  Breathless, he numbly, almost zombified, began to spar.

It was very, very clear to Nico that Will had done this before. He was a very, very skilled swordsman. Nico was just....mesmerised by the blond's swift and fluid attacks, his graceful dodgings, his tough stance. Oh Hades. Was he drooling? Possibly. 

"Excellent, Jacob. Your dodges are improving. Will, well done. You are quite impressive. Almost as impressive as Di Angelo." Will's eyes slid to Nico, locking on his face. 

Nico blushed. 

Why was he staring? Oh my gods. The thing was, no matter how spacey Nico was, Nico had natural talent for sword fighting. It was probably the only thing that kept Mr Zandar from kicking him out of the class. Will's eyes were still on him, and Nico blushed even harder. Was it even possible for that to happen??? UGH! 

"Alright, class, you are dismissed." The group parted ways. 

Nico sighed, heading toward the locker rooms. Fate was playing some sort of sick, twisted game, for Will was in there, throwing on a different set of clothes. Of course, it wasn't fast enough to spare Nico from glimpsing Will's sun kissed, abdomen and his six pack. Holy Hades! 

"Hey..Nico, right?" Nico did not trust his voice to work, hence opting to nod silently. 

He stood awkwardly at the doorway, positive that he might burst into flames. The picture of Will's stomach still burned in every fold of his brain. His legs finally stopped feeling like jelly and he marched towards the locker that contained his items, aware that Will might still be staring. 

"By the way, you're pretty good with the sword." 

"Really? Thanks." Nico said, blushing. 

"No problem." Will flashed him a smile and threw his backpack over his shoulder, leaving Nico alone in the room. 



The sound of metals clanging together began to grow accustomed to Will's ears. The sparring session between individuals this time was aggressive, Nico and Clarissa in hand-to-hand combat. Or rather, sword-to-sword. Will could honestly watch Nico spar all day. He was just...so, hypnotising. 


 The blade flew out of Clarissa's hands and Nico's sword immediately prodded at her throat. 

"I win." Clarissa rolled her eyes.

"Get this blade away from me." Nico obeyed, a smug smirk still on his face. 

The smirk made Will's heart-rate increase dramatically. 

"Amazing work, you two! Alright, that is the end of today. See you next week, you all." Clarissa was still frowning at Nico, whose response was to chuckle. 

"It's okay Clary." He began, and wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "You're still good. Just not as good." 

"You bastar-" 

"Shhh..." Clarissa rolled her eyes, batting him away. 

Nico laughed yet again. Feeling betrayed, Will stood up, stalking toward the locker room. 'STUPID!' Will told himself. Like a fool he'd let himself believe that Nico was not straight. Not all pretty boys are gay, Solace. 

"Hello, Will." Will grunted. 

"Woah, rough day?" 


"Uh huh. I so believe you, Solace." Nico said sarcastically, opening the locker. 

"You like Clarissa, right?" Nico choked. 

"What, as a friend? Yeah. As something more? No."

 "But you.."Will begun, but Nico cut him off. 

 "I hugged her, yes. Platonically." 

"She has pretty eyes though." Will said. 

"She knows it's platonic. And she does have gorgeous green eyes. However, I don't think they can woo me. I'm gay."  


"Wow. Um..okay."Will said, somewhat breathlessly. 

"For the record, Solace. You have the prettiest eyes." OH MY GODS. 

Nico smirked, and began to exit before Will could retort. Did he just...did he just...hit on me? 

"Wait! Nico!" Nico paused, back still turned on him. 


"I...I think you have the most beautiful eyes." Nico laughed, a musical piece to Will's ears. 

"Thank you."

And so that set off many things. For weeks they flirted with each other, making their classmates become very, very annoyed by not dating. 

"FOR HELL'S SAKE, DI ANGELO, ASK HIM OUT!" Clarissa had screamed at him, after about two weeks of the flirtatious jabs. 

Even Mr Zandar was kept up-to-date with their 'love story' or how their classmates referred to as. Of course, they never really went further. Or did they?

"Alright. Last pair, Will and Nico. Come on. Last ones to get tested." Nico's heart-rate increased. This was the first time he had sparred with Will Solace. First time in the two months Will has been in the class. Will held his gaze,his eyes in a determined sort of scowl. Somehow, Nico found himself hypnotised by his eyes. "Let's do this!"
Another clang. Their classmates watched, spellbound. Their attacks were pretty evenly matched, and it wasn't clear who will win. Their gazes never unlocked, willing each other to weaken. However, Nico got the upper hand and the tip of his blade found itself to the base of Will's neck.

I will gladly allow you to drive your blade into my throat if it means that I get to keep you.

Will opened his mouth to congratulate Nico. Nico, however, had other plans. He dropped the sword and before Will could react, crashed his lips against the blond's. Will stiffened immediately, shell-shocked. However, he melted into the kiss mot ready to lose the lip-lock with Nico Di Angelo. Their classmates sighed in relief and cheered. Even Mr Zandar was smirking.

Author's note:(1127 words. Guys, you need to thank me seriously hahahahhaha no. I need to thank you guys for 70 reads. *SCREAMS.* Anyway, here's another one-shot, as promised. Hope you like it!! Rate and comment what you think. TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT!!! Jk do whatever tf you want. Anyway, will upload the next one...soon...i think. As always..)

Love y'all
- K

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