To black and white.

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"Will, no. Get off me." Nico protested weakly, half-heartedly pushing the blond off of his torso. 

"Wake up. It's time for work." 

"Fuck work." 

Will chuckled softly, before saying, "I'd rather you fuck me." 

"WILLIAM!" Nico's eyes snapped open, appalled at Will's inappropriate sense of humor. 

"I'm kidding! I'm kidding! Don't kill me!" Will ducked, bracing himself from the oncoming pillow attack. 

Nico's shock wore off, and he lay lazily on the bed frame. "You idiot." 

Will smirked, an action that made his blue eyes dance with playfulness and mystery. It made Nico's heart speed up. The colour of Will's eyes were a close second to Nico's favourite colour, black. Will's eyes were just simply...breathtaking. The little flecks of whites at his blue irises, the piercing gaze, the cold, icy exterior, the warm, compassionate interior. 

Ever since he's met Will five years ago, he could finally, after eighteen years of craving to see what colours looked like, see colour. 

And nothing had a place in his heart quite like the blues of Will's eyes. Nico never wanted to forget how it looked like, how deep, how many layers Will's eyes had to them. Nico never wanted to live another day without seeing those eyes greet him every time he wakes up. 

"Seriously though, wake up." 

Nico scowled, before it eased into defeated look. 


Will rolled his eyes affectionately at the whine, before leaving the room to make some coffee. 


"Do you have to go?" Nico murmured, his head buried in the crook of Will's shoulder. 

"Yes, Neeks. I do, because if I don't, no one's going to pay the bills." Will answered, and Nico let out a laugh. 

"Hey, I have an interview later in the day, okay. Don't try and act like I'm the lazy one." 

"Sure, Death Boy. Sure." 

The duo dissolved into laughter, before pressing quick, chaste kisses onto each other's lips, before Will left. 


If Nico could describe it in a word, it would be agony. Agony just like hot poker sticks pressed hard against your flesh. It felt like thousands of razors cutting at your skin. It felt utterly, utterly torturous, agonizing, and all sorts of pain. 

Pain in the heart, pain in the head, pain in the body. 

Everything hurt, and Nico could barely breathe with the tightening in his chest, the constricting of his throat. His vision went blurry, red. He felt as though he was going to die.

The pain went away after a few seconds, but those few seconds felt like millennium. 

At first, everything seemed normal. 

Until the phone started ringing. 

Nico wished that he'd never picked it up. 

"Mr Di Angelo? It's...your husband. He is a victim of a fatal car crash. I'm terribly sorry." 

The world became numb. Everything was like a ringing buzz in his ear. The words fatal and car crash kept playing over and over in his head like a broken record. 

Then it happened. The creme walls of the kitchen, the white, polished tiles of the floor, the black countertops, the blue, sunny sky outside. 

It was gradual, the colours seeping out of his view like draining water from the bathtub. It disappeared, one by one, until all Nico could see was black and white. 

Frantically, he clawed at the window, trying to see outside. 

But it all stayed the same. 



Author's note: WOO new chapter! Even though it's kinda ominous and sad. :( This is like a continuation of the chapter 'To Colours' that I did before. Hope this is okay. 


Love, K. 

P.S. I also believe that this chapter stemmed from Fall_Out_Girl_16, because SHE LIKES TO WRITE SO MUCH ANGST  YOU GUYS I CAN'T EVEN.

This chappie's for you gurl ily 🙆🙆💘

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