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Will had a different way of expressing his art. He took photographs. He captured whatever he saw, with a camera. 

He expressed himself through the things he photographed; dark and sombre if he was feeling especially sad, bright and colourful if he was feeling happy. Sunsets and sunrises whenever he was feeling nostalgic. 

Photographing things spoke to him. He wished that he could take the life, the emotions, the feelings from what he saw, and cram it all into a photo. He knew he had the skill for it. 

He was seven when he'd picked up his first camera. 

Eleven when he managed to take decent shots. 

Sixteen when he finally mastered the skill of how to capture the depth of a scenery or place into your photo. 

It's been his way of living, his diary. 

His pictures?

They're his stories. 

There was a time, when all Will took were gorgeous sunsets, sunrises. There was even a time when his mother referred to as 'Will's sky phase.' It was the time when he'd become obsessed with the sky, how it turned from navy blue, to magenta, to orange, and pink, and how the clouds seemed to distant from the world. 

Will had been an angsty teenager then, his moods changing as quickly as the sky changes its colour, and he being as distant to the world as the clouds were. 

Obviously he grew up, and he started taking pictures of broader things, like horizons, places, things. It was all completely random, jumbled up. Like his life, when he was around sixteen to seventeen. He was a 'floater' as his mother affectionately told him. He never really fitted in with anyone. 

He was just like...this weird kid who's into freakish things. 

Boys his age didn't care for these things. They only cared about who they fucked and who they want to. 

"What are you doing?" 

Will's daydream was interrupted, and he found himself staring at his boyfriend. 

"Nothing, just thinking about...this project." 

Nico shrugged, and said, "I think you're doing fine in this project." 

Will mimicked his shrug, and sighed. "Hopefully. This one's killer." 

Nico shot him a sympathetic smile, before continuing his sketching. Will allowed his gaze to linger on the brunet for a while longer. 

And then, there was Nico. 

Nico was just about the only thing he looks forward to when taking photos. Nico looked flawless, effortless in every single shot. Skies and sunsets don't always come out beautiful. They took a few tries, the perfect angle, the right amount of lighting. 

Nico, however?

Nico could be perfect anytime, anywhere. 

After he passed his nineteenth birthday, he met Nico. 

Gods, had it been the best thing that had happened to him. 

At first, it was like wading in water. 

Taking photos of Nico in secret, from far away. 

Until he decides to plunge into the cold water, and whip out his camera at random times, whether it was when Nico was doubling up in laughter, flushing all kinds of reds and pinks, or maybe when Nico was still, eyelids closed, eyelashes fluttering. 

Nico never seemed to mind. 

And he's content with that, because finally, after the years of searching, years of being outcasted, he finally, home. 


Author's note: WHATTTT??? I FUCKING UPDATED TODAY??? HOLY SHITTT!!! EVERYBODY PANIC THE END IS NEAR!!! Okay, I'm exaggerating but still!!! Holy fuck, it's been awhile. Soo without further ado, enjoy this chapter, I love it to bits and pieces. I liked writing it. :) 

I've been gaining a few new likers and comments around here, and I wanna say HIIIII!!!!!!!!!!! 

Thank you babes for 5.72k??? Like??? I'm shook. 

Love, K. 

P.S. Art doesn't belong to me! :)

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