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"Clang!" Metals clashed with each other and Nico watched the two campers duel. His sword lay on his lap, cold steel raising goosebumps on his skin as the tip pressed softly against the inner part of his thigh. He sighed. Annoyed, he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Hey Nico, what's up?"

Nico looked up and smiled. Percy.

"Nothing. I'm...I just have..a lot on my mind."

Percy answered by plopping beside him.

"What, is swordfighting not your thing anymore?"

"No, no. I...I don't know." Nico sighed deeply. "It's those kind of days, where everything just crashes down on you."

Percy smiled sympathetically.

"I know those day-" His words got cut off when an arrow whistled past them and buried itself into the ground.

"Sorry!" Some of the campers from Apollo's cabin ran toward the arrow, apologetic.

The arrow gave Nico an idea.

"Do you mind if I pick up archery for a day?" Percy's smile stretched into a playful grin.

"No, but why Archery? Because your boyfriend's in it?" Nico scoffed, but couldn't help the grin that flitted on his face.


Nico jogged toward the archers, and immediately spotted Will, whose bow was trained at a target. With flawless aim, the arrow flew to the target and hit the bullseye. Of course, to Apollo's campers, it was per the norm, but to Nico, it was amazing. Will had yet another arrow trained at the target. Nico stopped to watch. Even from this far away, Nico could literally hear the bow being stretched, and the whistling of the arrow as it streamed toward the bullseye. It pierced through the other arrow that was already on the bullseye, directly in the middle.

'Holy.' Nico thought breathlessly, and continued to run toward the blond. 

"Nico?" Will asked, his eyes questioning as Nico approached. 

"Hi, I', I wanted to take up archery for the day. that okay?" 

Will's eyes were searching, as though trying to figure out what was wrong.

"It's nothing, I swear to the gods. I just...have a lot on my mind, and sword-fighting doesnt take up much concentration since I'm pretty good." Nico paused. "I just..want to be closer to you today, okay?" He confessed, his voice softening. 

Will's expression melted, and he tugged Nico by the arm toward the farther end of the range. 

"Here, it is less likely for you to kill anyone. Also it's pretty secluded." Nico blushed furiously, both statements affecting him greatly. 

"Here, place your arrow at the centre of the bow, use you index and middle fingers to pull the bow, aim, and let loose." Wind whistled, and the arrow sang its way toward the target. Perfect shot. it landed on the bullseye. 

"Your turn." Nico gulped. 

He didn't need anyone to tell him that he'd be horrible at archery. It just wasn't in his blood. Sure, with lots of practice, he may get slightly better, but never as good as Will or any of Apollo's other spawns. 

"Hey, relax." Will assured him with a smile, and Nico returned it, his hands trembling lightly when he reached for the bow and arrow. 

Standing a little farther back, Will crossed his arms and watched. Nico inhaled sharply, before letting the arrow fly. it landed quite far away from the target. Not even close in fact. Nico exhaled, a pitiful sound. 

"Okay." Suddenly, Will's frame was pressed against his back, and his breath ghosted over the shell of Nico's ear. 

Nico shuddered in pleasure when Will's fingers ran up his arms, repositioning the bow again. 

"Concentrate, babe. You can hit the target at least. Use a little more strength." Nico nodded, and Will stepped away again.

The arrow whizzed through the air, and fell short of the target by a few metres. Nico stifled a groan of annoyance, his blood boiling. 

"Relax. Try again." 


"This is impossible." Nico huffed, drenched with sweat and after shooting about 100 arrows. His arms were aching. 

Will laughed softly, and sat beside him under the shade. 

"Wanna keep trying?" Nico looked over to his boyfriend, and found his anger dissolving when he stared into baby blues. 

"One more time." Will smiled, standing up, before offering his hand to Nico. Nico took it and allowed himself to be hauled to his feet, and trailed behind the son of Apollo. 

"I think I know why you're always missing the target. You focus so hard on getting the overlook the fact of how it's going to get there." His words made Nico more confused, but he nodded anyway. 

He stepped forward, and pulled the bow. With a sharp inhale, he let go of the arrow. The arrow hissed, and it landed at the edge of the target. 

"YES!" Nico whooped, jumping. "I know it isn't even close to bullseye, but I don't care." He said, breathless and falling onto the soft, warm grass. 

Will laughed, walking over to him, placing a soft kiss onto his lips. 

"You have no idea how long I'd wanted to do that." Nico chuckled, now only aware that the Archery range was now almost empty, the sun setting, the sky in a summery orange. 

"Well, we can in Hades's cabin." Nico said, and Will smirked in reply. 


Author's note: GUESS WHAT! I finally bought Percy Jackson series and currently at The Battle of the Labyrinth. So, enjoy this chapter while I sell my soul to Rick. 😂

Love, K.

P.S: If you want the Sword version of this chapter, tell me!

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