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"Wanna meet my parents?" Will inhaled sharply, in reply to Nico's query. 

"Um." Will began. 

"Please?" Will raised his eyes from the table to the other male in the kitchen. 

He immediately regretted his decision. Dark, chocolatey eyes greeted him. Nico's lips were pushed out in a slight pout. 

"Damn it, Neeks. Why did you play the sad puppy dog eyes card?" He muttered under his breath. 

"So?" Nico pressed. 

Will stared into hopeful eyes. How could he say no? 

"I don't know, Nico." Will answered. 

Why was he so hesitant anyway? Was it because Hades was the Lord of the Underworld? Was it because Will feared that Hades would quite possibly send him to the field of punishments? Not really. Truly, he just wanted to be accepted by Nico's parents. Hell, he was so in love with the other boy, he'd gladly take a shot to the chest for him. He wanted Hades to know that Will was the best for Nico. And that Will wanted to be the best for Nico. He could still feel Nico's lingering gaze on him. 

"Does it mean that much to you?" Will sighed, his tone filled with defeat. 


"Fine." Nico yelped in joy.


Will smirked, despite himself. Nico doesn't get excited very often, and watching him now made his chest fill with unexpected sweetness. 


Hades's cold, steely eyes were on him. Will felt incredibly uncomfortable pinned under his gaze. Nico gave his hand a gentle squeeze, reassuring him silently. 

"So, Solace. Tell me. Of all the demigods in Camp Half Blood, why, in the name of Zeus did you choose my son?"

Will's breath hitched. he hadn't expected Hades to ask such a question. For the last half an hour, Hades had spent it observing him, as though judging. Nico was literally the only person who had been talking. Will cast a panicked glance at Nico, who merely shrugged. Will had a nagging feeling that Nico was just as interested in this answer as his father was. Will swallowed thickly. 

"Because...because...Nico...he's..." Will's mind searched frantically for the right words to put it. 

Nico, Nico was special. Nico was all his birthday presents, christmas presents and other presents come to him in one package. Nico, was the colours that made his world, Nico was his world, Nico was his other half. Nico was his life.

Nico's jaw hung open. Will realised with a jolt that he'd said that out loud. Something flickered in Hades's eyes. What was it? Acceptance? Shock? 

"He's a sap, Nico." Hades mocked before he paused. "As long as you're happy, Nico. He's better than Jackson that's for sure." 

With a flick of his fingers, Hades disappeared. 


"Don't ever, ever make me do that again. That was painfully awkward." Nico laughed, joining him on the bed. 

"I thought it went okay. I told you he wouldn't kill you." Will chuckled. 

"So." Nico said, his mouth curving into sly smile. 


"I'm the colours to your world?" Will buried his head in his hands. 

"Don't bring that up...ugh." Will muttered, humiliated. 

"I will, because I thought that it was super sweet." Nico pecked him on the cheek lightly.


Author's note: (Well, I don't know what this was but...I needed to publish smth after being M-I-A. Hope it's okay. Please love meh.)

Love y'all

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