
2.7K 79 10

It was those rare kind of days, when it time seemed slow, like molasses, It was those kind of days when everything breezed by gently. It was those kind of days when everything was calm and peaceful. It was a nice change of pace for Camp Half Blood. Tranquility was never present in it's dictionary before. Will Solace smirked softly as he looked out of the window. Campers were milling around, chattering excitedly and happily, not a trace of fear or worry in their faces. Will briefly remembered when the lines on their faces cut deep tracks on their skin, panic in their eyes and fear in their taut muscles. But now? Everything seemed unreal. But...he supposed that they deserved it. They deserved it after each and every sacrifice they've done, and every second of their torment. 


Caught unaware, he whirled around to see the Son of Hades walk in, his sword against his skinny thigh. The first thought that flew to his head was if Nico was hurt. But Nico seemed fine. 

"Neeks?" Was all Will could muster in his state of shock.

Nico rarely visited him at the infirmary. He said it brought him too much questions and nosy Aphrodite campers. 

Nico didn't respond, but walked closer. Before Will could open his mouth again, Nico's thin arms were around his torso, his head on Will's chest. 

Nico was hugging him. 

"Nico, what's...wrong?" 

Nico exhaled, his breath choppy, uneven. Will placed his arms around the smaller male, and immediately felt the tension in the brunet's muscles loosen it's grasp on the boy. Nico raised his head, and Will felt his breath being caught in his throat. Nico's eyes were filled with tears. That made him want to protect him even more. 

"Nico, tell me what's bothering you." Will murmured, and after a slight hesitation, kissed the top of Nico's head. 

"Nothing's wrong. I just...It's just that when you're not busy fighting or battling, all your thoughts just...come to you, like...a wave even Percy can't stop." 

Will smiled, before letting go of Nico, dragging him onto the bed which resided at the corner of the room. He pulled Nico onto his lap, whom, surprisingly, didn't argue. Nico seemed to have turned into a putty right there and then. But Will knew Nico. Nico just wanted some affection. He needed someone to be there for him, even if they were just laying together, not speaking. On his lap, Nico rested his head on Will's chest, one hand curled around the collar of his Camp tee shirt, another around Will's waist. Nico's breathing became deep and even. 

"Will?" Nico asked, shifting a little so no both his hands were on Nico's own lap. 


"Stay with me for the rest of the day." 

Will laughed, and it vibrated against his chest. 

"Wouldn't even start to think about leaving you, Nico." 

Even with his head down, Will could tell that the boy on his lap was blushing. 

Next thing Will knew, was soft lips pressing gently onto his. 

The kiss was not passionate or lusting, but comforting and spoke volumes about Nico's love for the blond. 

Will sighed happily when they parted, and Nico's lids began to seem heavy as he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

And Will? Will would always be there for him. 


Author's note: Whaddup everyone! How's it going? Pretty great for me. I end school tomorrow, YAY! Also, 1.55K???!?!?! I love all of you so much, oh my gods! C'mon! Y'all of 4 more days until Sunday (for my timezone) so LET'S GET TO 1.6K!
Remember babes, stay healthy, happy and safe. Talk to me anytime. 💜💜 I'm here not only as an author, but a friend too. Art isn't mine, but I'm in love with it. CREDS AND KUDOS TO OWNER.

Love, K.

P.S. Dedicated this to you, Ann7512 because you spammed me and you read my chapters instead of just blindly voting. 💜 Keep slaying!

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