Blue Jay

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The warm January sun shone down onto the earth, baking the already sun-baked streets and pathways in the park. Nico smiled to himself as he watched the people milling around him. He didn't understand, for the life of him, why there were still joggers jogging around the park when it was already so, warm! His hair stuck on his forehead before he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it upward.
He sighed happily, leaning against the large oak tree that provided him shade from the unforgiving sun. Will lay on the picnic blanket beside him, his breathing soft and even. Will's eyes were closed, his chest heaving up and down gently. Nico's eyes travelled the blond's frame. Nico's heart lurched. A few months ago, he wasn't familiar with this feeling. Now, he understood. He loved Will with all his heart, just looking at him could make his heart leap and his throat constrict with happiness. Nico's lips widened into a bigger smile when Will shifted, and their fingers laced together. The kind of smile full of tenderness and love. The kind of smile that spoke volumes about how much Nico loved Will. The kind of smile where all you felt was utter, utter love for another. The kind of smile only lovers reserved for one another. The kind of smile that lit up one's eyes with affection. It was never desire or lust when it came to Will. No. The innocent parts of their relationship. Forehead kisses, hand-holding, temple kisses, cuddling. Those. Those were the kind of things Nico wanted with Will. Not just plain old sex. His eyes roaming the sleeping figure, an idea slowly came to mind.


Nico tore out yet another piece of paper from his sketchbook and crumpled it. Annoyed, he sat up and stared hard at Will, who was still sleeping. Nico wasn't bothered by the fact that Will was sleeping on their date. Instead, he was glad. Will hadn't been getting much sleep lately with all his midnight study sessions. But...

Why can't I get it right?

Nico thought for a moment, and wondered what was wrong. It's been three different sketches, yet, Will didn't look...right. Why was that? Will's long, dark lashes that seemed to glow gold in the afternoon sun, the freckles on his face that always seem to pop during summertimes, when they were more obvious, dotting his cheeks, nose and shoulders, the angular cheekbones, the blond hair that fell around his face....

He never is this relaxed.

Will never seemed this at peace. Whether it was worrying about his exams, to battling monsters or warding patients, Will's features never seemed to have relaxed in their vocabulary.

And, when sleeping, Will's jaw wasn't taut, no trace of worry on his face, his shoulder muscles slack, his arms thrown carelessly above his head.

It felt...foreign, strange, odd.

Nico rarely saw him in such a carefree manner. It just didn't seem...right.

This was a different part of Will altogther.

Will stirred, startling Nico. He took a few moments to wipe the sleep out from his eyes.

"Neeks?" He asked softly, stifling a yawn.


"I'm so sorry. I'm so, tired."

"It's fine. I swear. C'mon. Let's get home. You go to bed for awhile. You need your rest." Nico pecked Will briefly on the lips, and pulled away.

Nico looked forward to sketching a sleeping Will. It was a part of him that Nico wanted to memorise. A part that Nico wanted to know. This won't be the last time he'll be sketching when his boyfriend was sleeping. Nico was sure of that.

Author's note: So, artist Nico? Yay or nay? I like artist Nico. Anyway, enjoy this lil' fic for the time being. I'n actually prettyy happy with how this came out. Hopefully y'all do too. Better than the last chapter, WHICH I AM STILL DISAPPOINTED ABOUT. Seriously, I was so sad about it I nearly cried. Plus for my esteem after this goes up. Yayyy! Thank you all for supporting me, the shittiest author in the entire world. 🙃 Ahahha. 700 reads is an amazing thing for me! Hopefully we'll get to a 1000 on my bday!!! I love you! Take care babes!

Love, K.

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