Blind dates.

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Nico glanced down at his watch, and stifled the urge to scream in frustration. It was already 8.20, and he was nearly ten minutes late! Hazel would kill him if she found out that he'd nearly stood up the date she'd set up for him. Nico mainly went and agree with her just to get her to shut up about the entire thing. But secretly, Nico was ready to make another commitment in his life. He was just so tired of everything being so mundane and routined all the time. Rain pitter-pattered onto his umbrella, sounding like the second hand of a clock ticking. He walked hurriedly up the street and climbed up the stairs to enter a cutesy diner, called 'Starbordia.' Nico didn't know why it was called that. There didn't seem to be anything related to stars in the entire diner. The diner was not crowded, but Nico silently noted that almost all the patrons had someone with them. As he neared the back, he saw a tall, attractive looking  blond sitting alone, a glass of water just sitting in front of him.

Oh gods. He probably thinks I stood him up!

Nico slid into the booth, apologising feverishly.

"I'm so, so sorry for being late for our date. The rain threw me off and the bus wouldn't come on time."

Nico looked up. Something briefly flitted behind the blond's blue eyes. So fast, he couldn't catch it. Speaking of eyes....Nico nearly drooled over the blond's piercing blue eyes. They were the colour of the afternoon sky, but icier, and yet...there was something gentle to them. Up close, he could see the flecks of white at his irirses.

"No problem. I was late...too..anyway. I didn't have to wait long." The blond answered, smiling.

"Thank gods. I'm Nico, by the way."

"Will." Will offered Nico his hand and he awkwardly shook it.

"I'm sorry, I'm weird and awkward. I'm just....nervous." Nico confessed.

Why was he telling his date this?!?!?!

"Nope. It's okay. Everyone gets anxious from time to time, Nico." The words slipped from Will's tongue easily, like water.

Nico grinned, and beckoned the waitress over.

"Let's order something." He said, and Will answered with a small chuckle.

"Sure. I'm starving."

The duo rattled off their orders and the waitress walked away.

"So...what do we do now?"

"I don't know actually." Will answered, laughing. "I guess we'll have to get to know each other. I'll start." Will paused, holding Nico's gaze for a second, before dropping it and chuckling softly.

"I'm Will, a medical student, I'm 19, interested in books like Harry Potter and The Mortal Instruments, which is my favourite series by the way, and enjoy different kinds of things really. I'm not choosey. I like archery too."

"Well. How am I ever going to beat that? I'm black and white compared to your flurry of colours."

Will responded with another one of his cute laughs.

"No. No. Tell me about you."

"I'm...Nico, but my friends call me Neeks interested in music, rock music and a little bit of indie. I'm somewhat introverted, and...uh..that's it. I'm not doing this. I'm so plain!"

"Untrue. You have this...vibe, you know? One that makes it impossible to feel bored around you." Nico blushed.


Message from Hazel.

"Hold on, I gotta see this." Will nodded.

Hazel: Heyy Nico! Guess what, the guy freaking stood you up! He said some bullshit about breaking his tailbone. I'm so sorry!

Nico: What? But...there's this blond that says he's my date.

Hazel: What? I definitely did not choose a blond. He was a brunet!


Hazel: Calm down, Neeks. Ask him his side of the story.

"Is everything okay?" Will asked, before Nico could reply.

"Um...yeah. Why'd you ask?"

"Because it seemed like you were ready to rip that phone in half,you were tapping away so quick."

Nico flushed.

"Yeah well....apparently I just found out that my 'real date' stood me up and you just happened to...agree to a date with me."

Will blushed, for the first time. The first time Nico saw the blond so flustered.

" were cute and I just decided to play along. I didn't really think that you bought my lie."

Nico pinked.


"Well what?"

"Whatever. It was still fun though. And for the record, my blind date turned out to be a brunet. But in truth, blonds are more of my thing."

Will laughed in reply.

"You're funny, Nico. I look forward for our future dates. If you allow."

"Of course I will." They shared a smile before the waitress interuptted them, their orders in her hand.

Nico glanced out of the glass window, stained with thousands of raindrops.

Thank you, Hazel!

Author's note: Omai I actually like this so much. THANK YOU Y'ALL FOR 500 READS. Anyway, enjoy this one yeah? I felt like uploading since it's a Friday and there isn't school or responsibilities tmr. Ayyyyy! So enjoy this cutesy date AU. Also idk their age in Rick's book so I just put it as 19. Rate & comment, guys! Ily!! Take care and stay happy, babes!

Love, K.

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