Chapter 1

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Hello everyone, welcome to my story!

Before you get reading, I just want to say that this is book ONE of a SEVEN book series. And at the end of this book, you'll find the name of book 2 etc.

Also, this has not been edited past the first 10 or 11 chapters. I'm apologising in advance.

This book is original, and everything you read is intended only to entertain. I hope you enjoy!


(Also, it is based in the U.K. and I am English. Please try your hardest not to correct my 'British' spelling if you're from another country because not everyone spells words the same! A classic example: Colour and Color)

- Sian

The gloomy clouds hung above the big city, covering any chance of seeing the summer sun. The forecast had promised warmth, as usual, the sky had other plans. It was a very relaxed Saturday for everyone who was lucky enough to be starting their summer holidays; the weather may not be satisfactory, but the atmosphere and excitement were noticeable.

Corey Taylor was among those lucky pupils to be set free from the compulsory education of six-form. He had finished secondary school at the age of sixteen, so instead of going to college for two years, Corey took a higher education course which was run by his school. It would still take him two years to complete, and Corey even had the painful experience of wearing school uniform, but received more freedom from teachers and was treated like a matured seventeen-year-old. He had a luxurious six weeks away from his school, away from the other pupils and away from his studies. It was a time for him to relax and have a rightfully deserved break.

Now, it was ten past ten in the evening, and Corey was rushing through a busy street. Being a Saturday night, lots of people were out drinking with friends and family; it was beginning to grow rather lively, and the teenager was ready to go home. He had a curfew that was quickly approaching its end. If he didn't reach it in time, his parent's trust in their child would vanish in an instant. They are protective and find it very easy to baby their only son. Having a stretched curfew was a massive step out of their comfort zone. Usually, he would have to be back before it gets dark, but in the summer, the sun was only just setting; especially now that it was getting late.

He stopped at some traffic lights, hugging his arms around himself and wishing he wore a coat. The sky was clear, but the air felt crisp and dropped degrees as the sun disappeared to the other side of the world.

Corey was over towered by most people, standing at the traffic lights. He sighed and often wondered what it would be like to be taller than five foot and two inches. That was incredibly small for a seventeen-year-old. Although, his mother was short too, so it was not abnormal in his family.

His soulful blue eyes stared at the red stop sign until it turned green, indicating that it was safe to cross the busy road. He followed like a sheep with the herd while staring at the ground, minding his own business. To get home quicker, he was thinking about what shortcuts he could take; breaking the curfew would not be a good idea, primarily when today was the first day.

The shops around him were closing up or opening for the nighttime customers. A lot of them were private businesses, trying to make an impact on the society by offering unique menu's, charity events, jobs, a safe place for customers and so on.

Corey looked up when he spotted a familiar alley. He knew it would instantly take him closer to home, but the darkness was creeping up on him, making it look like a daunting and an unsafe place to be late at night. He stopped at the entrance and listened. It was eerily quiet, and not even a breeze was passing through. It looked shabby, dirty and empty when he took a breath and hesitantly stepped closer. His eyes were wide and darted around as he stepped over fallen bins and damp cardboard boxes full of rubbish. The singular lamp caused pitch black shadows to surround the area.

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