Chapter 19

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The landing was not a graceful one.

They arrived heavily in the middle of Corey's living room, sending his parents onto their backs as Panuleon made sure Corey was not hurt in the process.

He looked down to see he was now awake, but only just.

Richard and Samantha took a moment to stare at the boy with the magnificent wings. How were they in their living room so fast? How has this person got wings and why was he helping them?

But Corey instantly took over their thoughts, he was their main priority right now. They could process everything else when he's okay.

"Son, can you hear me? We need to get him to a hospital" Corey's dad panicked.

"No, that won't be necessary. I can heal him" Panuleon's voice was calm as he tried to get Corey to sit up.

"How? His injuries need medical attention!" Richard almost shouted but the angel understood he was just worried for his son.

"I'm an angel of healing, I will provide him with everything he needs."

He then cupped Corey's chin in his hands because he wasn't able to hold his head up by himself.

"You're a... an- okay. Whatever you have to do, just do it" Richard ran a hand through his hair as Samantha sat back, dazed and confused. They couldn't believe this wasn't a dream.

"We will explain everything after but first, Corey is more important," Panuleon said as kindly as he could. He couldn't do anything for them right now.

His parents watched, desperate to help but feeling useless.

Corey's head was pulsing as he tried to understand what was happening. He could hear and see but everything sounded muffled and looked a little blurry.

Panuleon tried to lift his head up again but he leaned forwards and dropped it onto the angel's chest.

The warmth and the familiar smell of Panuleon seemed to help, but not much.

"Corey you're going to have to help me with this, okay?"

He heard the distant voice of his soulmate. Only, he was right in front of him.

Panuleon lifted Corey's head from his chest and looked into his eyes.

"Corey, did you hear what I just said?" He asked softly.

"Yes," He whispered but closed his eyes.

"Okay. When you feel the cool sensation, you need to think about sending it to all the places that hurt the most. Can you do that for me?" Panuleon asked. He was worried that he would fall unconscious again.

Corey nodded slowly but every time he moved, it was like being hit all over again.

"Can we do anything?" Samantha finally spoke while Richard was holding onto her shaking hands.

"Yes, could you get me something to clean the blood from his face?" Panuleon asked. Corey had a gash in the side of his head and his nose was bleeding.

"Of course," She said, happy to feel helpful in this situation. It was hard for them not to intervene, but they trusted their son in the hands of Panuleon. They didn't understand why but they knew it was the right thing to do.

Panuleon placed Corey's head back on his chest as he seemed to relax more in that position.
He rested his hands on the human's cheeks and closed his eyes. He concentrated on every bit of energy he had and sent it to his fingertips.

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