Chapter 42

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Samuel and Monica had gone to the warehouse in the late hours of last night. Just like they thought, the agents were already planning another attack. But after almost an hour of discussion and arguments, they agreed to stay away after Panuleon's parents threatened to get violent.
When it comes down to their son, they'll do anything to keep him safe.

"Shall we wake them?" Richard asked and put a cup of tea in front of his wife.

"Thanks love. And it's only Corey we need to wake, Panuleon doesn't sleep," Samantha said and watched the look of surprise spread across his face.

"Oh... I don't know why that surprises me," He chuckled and shook his head. In reality, their lives were very normal but quite boring before an angel came into it.

Jenny, Monica and Samuel were all awake and chatting around the table. It was only quarter past seven in the morning, but they wanted to have a full day out.

"Okay, let's go wake him." Samantha took Richards arm and headed towards the kitchen door.

When they got to his room, Richard wasn't too happy that the door was shut, but what is there to worry about? Corey is old enough to make his own decisions when it comes to taking the next step in his relationship.

Samantha knocked gently on the door before opening it.

She looked around to see Panuleon sitting on the bed with Corey's head resting comfortably on his lap. The rest of her son was curled up warmly under his duvet. He was fast asleep and looked so peaceful, they almost didn't want to wake him.

"Morning Panuleon," Richard smiled as they headed over and sat on the end of the bed.

"Good morning. Is everyone okay?" He asked, wondering why they were all awake so early.

"Yeah everyone's fine, we are planning on setting off within the next half an hour. It'll take about an hour to drive there and we want to make a day of it," Samantha said.

"Okay," He smiled, realising that they came to wake Corey.

He looked down to the innocent nature of his soulmate, curled up on his lap. It pulled on his heart because he didn't want to wake him yet. Due to his nap yesterday, he was up until the early hours of this morning until the tiredness finally hit him. So he'll be very tired this morning.

Gently, Panuleon shook his shoulder. It took a few seconds until Corey frowned but didn't open his eyes.

"Corey, it's time to wake up," He said softly.

"Do I have to?" He whispered sleepily and tried to pull the duvet over his head.

"Yes love, we're going out today remember?" Samantha said, making him frown again.

Is his mum in the room? He opened his eyes and forced himself to focused on his parents who were sitting at the other end of his bed.

"Are they here to wake me up?" He asked in his head.

"Yes, you have about half an hour to get ready," Panuleon thought back. Corey turned on his back so he could look at him.

"But I'm so tired," He mumbled and gave him a cute pout.

Panuleon chuckled.

"I know, but you can sleep in the car I'm sure?" He ran his hands gently through Corey's hair.

"Are they talking to each other, like telepathically?" Richard whispered without taking his gaze from the boys.

"um, I'm assuming so," Samantha shrugged.

"I suppose I can," Corey thought back and smiled sleepily. Panuleon then returning his gaze to Corey's parents. He saw the confused expressions. Sometimes, he needs to remember that they are not quite used to this yet.

"Well, that was totally normal," Richard chuckled before they both got up from the bed.

"I'll start making your breakfast."

Corey pulled himself up.

"I'm not that hungry mum," He mumbled with a yawn. But she gave him a look that would make anyone's smile drop from their face.

"You're eating your breakfast, Corey Taylor," She said sternly before following Richard out of the bedroom.

Corey raised his eyebrows.

"...Alright then." He laughed it off but he would never get on his mum's bad side. She can be very scary when she want's to be. He slowly stood up but decided that he wasn't ready to feel the cold morning air. "I can't do it," He yawned and flopping back down on his mattress.

Panuleon shook his head with a smile.

"You can do it, I know you're tired. But your parents seem quite keen on going early." He then picked Corey up who groaned but didn't protest as he let his angel carry him over to the bathroom. Panuleon kissed his temple before giving him a gentle shove of encouragement through the doorway.

"Fine," Corey sighed, not being able to resist his beautiful grin.

* * * * *

Jenny was talking with Monica. Last night, they had a very long conversation about her real life. None of what she said about her past made Jenny's outlook on her friend change. In her eyes, she's still her best friend and nothing can ever change that.

"I can't believe you have a son," Jenny said. "I think that shocks me more than the fact you used to be an angel."

"I know, I just can't believe we found him," Monica smiled. Her life now felt complete. After devoting so much of it looking for Panuleon, he definitely fills an empty hole.

"I guess what matters is, you have found him. Now you can start being part of his life. How weird is it that he shows up only a street away from your house? I mean, he could've gone anywhere. Corey could've lived anywhere, but yet you decided to move to that house and meet me and now look what happened." Jenny shrugged at the crazy coincidence.

"Yeah, it is weird actually," Monica mumbled and trailed off in thought. Maybe that's too much of a coincidence?

But before she could think any more about it, Corey and Panuleon strolled into the kitchen. Corey looked tired, but his smile was still as happy as ever.

"Good morning," Panuleon said and sat down next to Samuel. Everyone returned the greeting while Corey ate his breakfast. "Did you have a productive meeting at the warehouse last night?"

Samuel linked his fingers together.

"Yes, they won't be bothering you and Corey anymore," he smiled.

"That's good to hear, thank you." That was a big weight off his shoulders.

"You're very welcome Panuleon." Samuel stared a little longer, seeing all the similarities in his son's features that he see's within himself.

His Son was sitting right next to him. He almost lost hope that they would ever see him again, but here he was.

"Okay, are we all ready to go?" Samantha asked.
Panuleon looked round to see Corey putting his empty plate in the sink.

"I think we are," Jenny sang happily before quickly walking to the door. Corey waited for his angel to come over before they also headed towards the front door.

"I'm excited to spend a day outside." Richard took the car keys from the bowl on the side.

"Me too," Samantha beamed before kissing him on the cheek.

Today was going to be a day for them all to relax, have fun and enjoy each others company. Little did they know, they'd be accompanied by someone who is a little more familiar to Panuleon and his parents.

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