Chapter 30

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Excited was an understatement. Jenny had been awake most of the night, tossing and turning. She couldn't wait to talk to Panuleon. Some part of her was still very shocked. This all happened too quickly for her. It was almost like she discovered the world's biggest secrets in under thirty seconds.

How could her own sister keep such information away from her? She knows just how much Jenny likes angels and how her obsession to find them has taken up most of her life. Now that it has happened, it's almost like it was just a dream.

Corey and Panuleon were hovering outside the living-room. They know how eager Jenny will be and they are trying to prepare themselves for maximum excitement.

"Okay, let's just get this over and done with," Corey sighed before pulling his soulmate into the room. He was hesitant but he knew Jenny needed answers.

She stood up when they entered. Her eyes were wide but she somewhat managed to calm herself.

"Morning Jenny." Corey showed his best smile before she came over and pulled them both into a hug. She didn't say anything but by the tightness of her embrace, she was happy they were here.

"Okay, sit down. I've got so many questions," She said with a nervous giggle. She was also trying not to stare at Panuleon too much but it was hard.

The angel sat close to Corey on the couch. Jenny sat opposite them in the chair, making herself comfortable before she began.

"How much has mum told you already?" Corey asked and sat back against the couch. He knows how excited his mum is about their relationship and it would've been too hard for her to keep everything in.

Panuleon sat back too, making his shoulder gently brush against Corey's cheek.

"Not a lot, Just let me ask the questions," Jenny said as she took a big intake of air. She wasn't demanding or stern, she was just desperate to talk to the angel. "So, why are you on earth?" She thought that was a reasonable question to ask first.

"I am what you would call, a rebellious angel or a fallen angel. I disobeyed the laws of heaven, so now I live here."

His voice was soft, making her understand that he was okay with answering her questions.

"An angel who rebels? That's interesting" She mumbled and prepared her next question. Corey was staring at his soulmate. His voice was like music to his ears and he had no reason to look anywhere else. "Do angels have parents?"

"Yes, but we don't know who they are. When we are newborn, we are taken from our parents and raised by an angel of higher power," Panuleon spoke. It's strange for him to be talking about this to a human. But if she's interested, there is no harm in telling her what she's been trying to discover for all these years.

"Did you take my angel feather?" She then asked, narrowing her eyes.

"I took it," Corey said. "But it wasn't yours, It was Panuleon's." He added, hoping she wasn't mad. It wasn't hers to get angry over.

"I thought as much. anyway, are there any other angels close by?"


"How old are you?"


"Can I touch your wings?"


Corey looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You know it tickles," Panuleon whispered. Corey could feel that he was very proud of his wings but felt a little big headed showing them off to a human.

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