Chapter 22

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"Are we going to talk to Demons later?" Corey asked.

He could hear his angel thinking about it throughout the day but he seemed undecided.

"Unfortunately, we are. I don't particularly want to but it will help to put all our minds at rest if they are not chasing you anymore" He sighed as he looked at the TV screen, not having a clue what was going on.

Earlier, Corey's mum insisted that they watch a film together and relax.

His parents looked a little more life like and Corey knew that it was best to please them today, so he watched the film with them.

Although, all his attention was on Panuleon and the warm feeling of his hand intertwined with his.
Ever since the kiss, the sudden need, and natural behavior to be so close to one another whether they're sitting or standing is constant.

It felt normal to them but it still hasn't sunk in with his parents.

"When are you planning on going?" Corey asked again.

Panuleon looked down at him, studying his blue sparkling eyes as he decided on whether it was the right thing to bring him or not.

"Soon" He replied and his gaze landed on his soulmates lips.

"I want to come with you" Corey smiled, hearing his thoughts. It will end up being safer in the long run if they get into danger together.

"Okay, that is the best option anyway."

Panuleon couldn't resist the temptation to pull Corey closer.

"Do you mind?" He asked before putting his arm around his shoulders.

"Of course not" Corey beamed and leaned further into him. He tried to take his attention back to the film.

It was almost finished but he wasn't all that fussed about films.

He looked over to his parents who were gazing at the boys every now and again. They sometimes pretended that they aren't listening in on their conversations.

"Do you think they'll be okay?" Corey asked his soulmate in a hushed tone.

His parents haven't been themselves today, but that's perfectly understandable considering yesterday's events.

"I'm more than sure they will. It's just a lot for them to process in such a short amount of time" The angel replied as he smiled at Corey's parents who got up when the film finally ended.

"You boys are so sweet" Samantha beamed while Richard followed her through to the kitchen.

Corey bit the inside of his lip to stop his blush from appearing. Panuleon smiled at how red-faced he gets, especially when he tries to hide it.

"Your parents will get used to us," He said, understanding that it was new for them and exciting to see Corey in a relationship.

"I hope so. I don't think my cheeks can cope with changing temperatures so much" He chuckled.

"I like it" Panuleon admitted and brought his hand up to feel the warmth of Corey's cheek.
He thinks it makes him look cute and it really shines his innocent nature.

Their gazes locked on one another, feeling the usual rush of excitement.

"You shouldn't hide it" He whispered as their heads moved closer.

They had to get used to this. Their feelings felt like they were getting stronger and it was so hard to keep the affection back. They wanted to be close but it is still new and exciting.

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