Chapter 35

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Corey woke up when he felt his bond with Panuleon being stretched. He opened his eyes and sat up in a daze of tiredness and distress.

His sight was blurry as he tried to rub the sleep from his eyes. He desperately looked around the room. It was dark, but the daylight reflecting through the curtains made him able to see.

Panuleon quickly sat in front of him, trying to calm him down.

"Corey, I'm right here," He said softly and put his hands on his shoulders.

"W-What happened?" Corey breathed and grabbed Panuleon's forearms.

"Jenny attempted to pull me downstairs, forgetting about our bond."

Jenny was standing in the doorway, watching Corey with a guilty look.

"I'm so sorry, I totally forgot!" She fiddled on her jumper sleeves.

"It's fine. Just please, don't do it again," Corey breathed.

Jenny nodded before leaving the room and shutting the door. She knew he'd want to spend time with his soulmate.

Corey turned back to see that Panuleon was already watching him. The angel moved some hair out of his eyes before leaning forwards and kissing his forehead.

Panuleon is a very affectionate angel, which is something Corey loves about him.

"Would you like to go back to sleep?" He asked while his eyes wandered around Corey's face.

"No, I should probably get up now," He mumbled with a smile. He loved how warm and pretty Panuleon's big hazel eyes are when they shined in the daylight.

"your mother made you breakfast. But you were still sleeping." Panuleon watched Corey take his hands.

"How long have I been sleeping for?" He turned and looked at the clock. "It's quarter to eleven!?" He has not slept for that long in quite a while. "Okay, I should definitely get up now."

The angel watched him climb out of bed and walk towards his chest of drawers. He followed him and sat outside the bathroom door.

"Remember your t-shirt," He grinned and tried to keep his blush down as he thought about last time. But deep down, he almost wanted him to forget it again.

"I will," Corey chuckled before entering the bathroom and shutting the door. He couldn't help but think of a time where he didn't need to shut the door when he take's showers and he and Panuleon didn't feel embarrassed about each other's lack of clothes.

That time will eventually come.

He turned the shower on and got in when it was warm enough. He stood for a couple of minutes, letting the water flow over his body as he thought about last night's events. Today might be a little challenging for Panuleon.

After he was done in the shower, he changed and brushed his teeth. He rubbed his hair with a towel and looked in the mirror. It was sticking up in all sorts of directions as he attempted to flatten it.

When he was happy with his appearance, he stepped out of the steamy bathroom and instantly felt the cool temperate of his bedroom.
Panuleon stood up when Corey put his pajama's in the washing basket.

"After breakfast... or lunch," Corey said. "Do you want to sit in the garden and we can talk about your parents?"

Panuleon nodded.

"If that's okay?" He smiled.


The angel took his hand and gently pulled him towards the door. He knew his soulmate was hungry while they walked downstairs.

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