Chapter 28

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  Jenny stumbled back a few steps, she looked like she was going to faint. She couldn't quite believe what she was seeing but something in the back of her mind was telling her it was real. Of course it would, Jenny is a huge believer of angels.

The silence was echoing in her ears and nobody could predict how she was going to handle this. Panuleon's wings vanished after a long few seconds of her eyes tracing them with utter disbelief.

This was making him feel a little strange. He felt singled out in a room full of humans who were looking at him because he was different.

Corey took his hand, knowing how Panuleon was feeling. He squeezed it as Jenny looked like she was finally about to speak.

"You're..." Her voice trailed away. After all this time, after hours of searching, hours of being laughed at or taunted because of what she believed, she's finally found one. 

She found an angel. 

"Pinch me" She mumbled and held out her arm.


"Just do it!" she almost screamed at Richard without taking her gaze away from... the angel.

"Alright." He hesitated but pinched the top of her arm.

"Ouch," She pulled it back quickly and rubbed it. "I'm not dreaming!" She laughed nervously. There was still an element of surprise and confusion on her expression.

Corey looked up to Panuleon when he stood a little closer.

"You okay?" He asked in his head with a warm smile.

"Yes, I'm still getting used to a human's reaction when they discover who I am," He thought back and gazed sweetly at Corey's smile. 

"You saw what I just saw right?" Jenny asked Corey's parents. She frowned when they nodded but didn't look phased by Panuleon having wings. Her gaze wandered back to him.

"You have wings?" She couldn't believe it. Although, her mind, body, and soul were screeching at her. It's been her life's hobby obsessing over angels. She never thought she'd ever actually see one with her own eyes. 

"Are- are you an angel?" She then asked, hoping that this wasn't some mean joke. How could it be? He can't make wings appear and then disappear at the click of a finger. Also, her sister Samantha wouldn't do that to her. She never understood her beliefs and why they were so strong but she never once made fun of her or interrogated her about it.

"Yes," Panuleon answered her simply.

He saw her lips twitch towards a smile.

"Really? This is not a prank?" She breathed and narrowed her eyes. She was feeling a little sick in the pit of her stomach at the thought of it all being faked. 

"I do not Joke when I tell you I am an angel." Panuleon made Corey smile at his seriousness.
A few more moments of silence passed them by. What was going through Jenny's mind? Was she coping with this or was she struggling?

Suddenly, Jenny ran towards the teen angel and flung her arms around him as tight as she could possibly manage.

He stumbled back from her force and stood still with shock. He didn't really expect that but eventually hugged back.

"I can't believe it!" She mumbled into his chest.

Panuleon looked at Corey for help who was watching in amusement. This was a good and positive reaction. 

Corey put his hand on Jenny's shoulder.

She pulled away but remembered he's in a relationship with Panuleon.

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