Chapter 34

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An angel stood before them.

But, there was something unusual about the way Panuleon could sense him. It was almost like he wasn't a full angel.

"I can't believe it's you," The man breathed in astonishment and stared at him.

"Who are you?" Panuleon questioned. He could feel that Corey was just as confused as him.

"I'm Samuel. Come through, we'll explain everything." He motioned for them to enter the room. "But-" he stopped in front of the doorway and looked at Corey. "Who are you?"

The man was tall with mousy brown hair and green eyes. He looked around the same age as Monica. He had almost the same smile as Panuleon's, but it wasn't quite as captivating.

"I'm Corey," He smiled shyly as Monica stepped forwards.

"Are you alright to wait outside Corey. I don't think you'll understand what we've got to say to your friend here," She said politely but somewhat patronising.

Panuleon became impatient and a little annoyed that they assumed Corey was a nobody who didn't understand life beyond humans.

"He isn't going anywhere. He's my soulmate, that's why I brought him," He said and watched their reactions. Not that it mattered what their opinions were, he loves Corey and isn't ashamed of it.

"What? Corey, you're-" She trailed off and raised her eyebrows. Her attitude towards him changed almost completely. Creases of a small smile crept their way onto her lips. She instantly felt bad though. She was rude to an angel's soulmate.

Corey looked towards Samuel, his head cocked to the side and he also had a small smile on his face.

"I did try and tell you."

Panuleon hoped they would now get on with whatever they had to say.

"I'm so sorry, I just assumed you were his friend," Monica apologised to Corey but he smiled.

"It's okay," He spoke before Panuleon took his hand and made his way through to the room.

Samuel watched Panuleon with big and kind eyes, it looked like he was exceptionally eager to talk to him.

The boys sat close to each other on the couch as Monica and Samuel sat opposite them. Corey looked at his angel to make sure he was okay. He could feel the patience in him coming back while he linked his fingers together and stared at the two people sitting in front of him.

"I asked you to come back because I lied about the story," Monica said quietly. "I just didn't want Jenny to know," She glanced at her husband but these words had to come out. " is mine."

Panuleon blinked a few times, processing what this would then mean. He felt a strange feeling, one he has never felt before. His heart was beating a little faster and his nerves circled in his stomach.

But he was calm, as always.

He looked at the human and the ...angel, sitting together on the opposite couch. He was plucking up the courage to ask the question he felt he had the right to know.

"Are you my parents?"

Their gaze shifted to one another and Panuleon felt Corey hold his breath with anticipation. Silence hung strong in the air and it felt almost like an eternity, waiting for their answer.

"Yes," Samuel said with a heavy beating heart.

Corey could feel exactly what Panuleon was feeling. He took his hand and squeezed it tight. The angel needed his comfort to stay relaxed.

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