Chapter 31

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  Panuleon almost couldn't believe what he discovered. He sat up with a surprised expression.

"What's wrong?" Corey asked, there was a bit of concern in his voice and he could feel something wasn't quite right.

"Do you remember me telling you that story was true?" Panuleon asked as he turned to look at his soulmate who nodded in response. "Well... It was about my parents." 

Corey raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" It took a minute for everything to make sense. "Wait, that would mean..." His voice trailed off when he realised why Panuleon looked so shocked. "Monica is possibly your mother?"

It didn't sound right coming out of his mouth. Panuleon has never met his parents but the angel of higher power told him that story was about them and they cannot lie. 

"No, that can't be true." Panuleon glanced at Jenny who was frowning.

"Monica is not an angel, she's my best friend. I think I would know if she was. Plus, she ages just like everyone else."

Panuleon wasn't paying much attention to her words.

"I have to speak with her," He said and stood up quickly. 

Corey stood up too but grabbed his hand.

"Panuleon, are you sure?" He asked. He was concerned that his angel would get his hopes up and he was scared he would end up getting hurt. It's such a far-fetched idea that one of Jenny's friends could be Panuleon's mother. She was probably lying about the story being hers.

"I'm not sure I believe that this is true, but talking to her will help to peace my mind. Whatever the outcome."

He could hear that Corey was concerned for him but he knows never to be too optimistic. He has lived this long without his parents and was planning to never see them again. That's how it works in heaven. But he's not in heaven anymore, so maybe it's worth a chance. 

"Are you serious?" Jenny asked and walked over. "You're suggesting that Monica is your... parent?"


Panuleon watched a frown crease into her forehead.

"She's not an angel, that's insane to even suggest it. I think I would know-"

"You didn't know I was an angel. Please, what is her address?" He interrupted, feeling agitated.

Jenny sighed and looked at Corey. He knew he couldn't change Panuleon's mind but some part of him thought it might be a good idea to talk to her. Then when it turns out she isn't related to him, it'll blow over.

"Corey, you know her address right?" Jenny sighed, making him nod.

"She only lives down the street."

Panuleon smiled at him.

"Okay. Are you ready to go now?" He asked.

"Wait, we want to come too," Corey's parents said as they got up from the couch. They thought this was a little ridiculous but this week hasn't exactly been normal. They're learning to keep an open mind about anything, including something like this.

They all followed Corey to the door and put on their shoes. When they were done, they stepped out and into the crisp air.

The last time Corey was out, there were demons. Panuleon knew he was feeling a little worried and pulled him closer as they walked, hand in hand. 

It didn't take long until they were standing outside a small but cute looking house. It was two stories high with a big, red front door. Jenny walked up to the door and knocked before stepping back.

They waited patiently for an answer.

Panuleon was biting on his bottom lip with anticipation.

Corey could feel his nerves and leaned up to kiss his cheek. He tugged on his t-shirt because he couldn't reach. The angel leaned down, just in time to catch his lips instead. His soulmate instantly turned a little pink.

Just then, the door opened.

They all watched as Monica appeared in the doorway. She was about the same height as Panuleon and had the same hair colour. She looked around the age of forty and had little creases in her cheeks, indicating she had dimples.

Corey hasn't seen her for a long time, although, she looked pretty much the same. Only older. She also had the same big hazel eyes as Panuleon. Was this just coincidence?  

"Wow, what a surprise! What're you all doing here?" She asked and hugged her best friend.

"We'll explain inside," Jenny said happily before Monica stood back to let everyone into her home.

When Panuleon walked past, she gave him an unusual look but quickly masked it while she turned to shut the door.

"Just go through there." She pointed to a room that Jenny was already making herself comfortable in. 

The room was a medium size with a few couches, chairs, and bookshelves with random ornaments on them. The telly was old and looked barely used, just like everything else. If everyone looked close enough, everything had gathered a thin layer of dust over them. But the room was nice and homely. It was bright and had a happy atmosphere. 

"So, what brings you all here? I haven't seen you guys in ages," She smiled while her eyes scanned the people in the room. But she avoided Panuleon's gaze.

Even though Monica lives up the street, she doesn't visit as much as she used to. Sometimes, life gets in the way.

"Well, we've got someone who wants to meet you," Jenny said while everyone looked at the angel. He hated being the centre of attention all of a sudden, but he had to meet this woman.  

He stood up and walked over to where Monica was standing. It wasn't too far from Corey but they could still feel the faint discomfort of their bond being slightly stretched.

"Hello Monica," He said politely and held out his hand for her to shake. "I'm Panuleon."

She started to shake his hand with a smile, but her smile instantly dropped when he said his name. She let go of his hand and stood, nervously trying to collect herself.

Panuleon could see there was something wrong. He knew he had unsettled her. Then he remembered that the parents name their children before leaving them with an angel of higher power. 

She recognised his name.  

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