Chapter 49

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Zachariah's words caused some confusion. How could she be already here?

With a few seconds of frowning glances, everyone but Corey and Panuleon couldn't understand what he meant.

"I think you should tell her now," Corey said quietly in the already silent room.

"You know who it is?" Samantha asked but she was just starting to put the pieces together. He nodded slowly and tried to avoid looking at Jenny, not wanting to give it away but apparently, it was too obvious considering she is the only single person in the room, besides Zachariah.

"wait... I don't believe it!" Samantha gasped and looked at Jenny with wide eyes. "You're his soulmate!? Am I right?"

Zachariah was biting nervously on his bottom lip. He knew he had to say it, there was no going back. Not that he wanted to, he has come a long way to find her. He knew someone would figure it out.

"Yes, Jenny is my soulmate." His voice was nervous while Jenny quickly turned on her chair to look at him.

Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes grew wide. Did that handsome angel just say what she thought he did?

"Sorry, did I hear you correctly?" She almost stuttered. Zachariah took a few steps towards her and laid a gentle hand on her shoulder. It felt so good to touch her again.

"Yes, you are my soulmate." His voice was soft and he felt himself relax at the smile appearing on her face.

"But, isn't it really rare for angels to have human soulmates?" She questioned. Jenny was trying to think of every reasonable idea as to why she couldn't possibly be his soulmate. Not that she wanted to, she just didn't think this would happen to someone like her.

"Well... it's not as rare as you think."

He knew this would take her a while for it to sink in.


"Jenny, just accept it," Corey interrupted, knowing she was doubting herself.

"You two need to talk and get used to one another. Then when you feel ready, connect the bond," Panuleon said, knowing that would be the best way. It worked well for him and Corey.

It took them a while to discover that they even had a bond in the first place. But when they did connect, they were already familiar with each other and it was easier to accept the love. Well, that, and their love was so strong they had no other choice but to accept it.

"You know what, we'll give you some privacy," Richard said as he stood up and looked at everyone with raised eyebrows, expecting them to get up too. Monica and Samuel wanted to listen to them talk with each other but they also respected Richards decision.

Slowly, everyone left Jenny and Zachariah to talk in the kitchen.

When Panuleon reached the hall, he held onto Corey's hand, making him turn with a questioning look. It was only seconds until he realised what Panuleon was thinking.

"You want to experiment with my power?" He asked as the angel took his other hand and pulled his body against him, creating a smile from his soulmate.

"Only if that's okay with you?" He moved his face in close.

"It's fine, I'm just as eager as you," Corey whispered. He wasn't entirely sure if they were still talking about his powers when Panuleon had lust rising in his eyes. Their lips were only centimetres away. He could feel the angels hunger for the taste of his lips.

"Let's go upstairs," Corey said, trying his hardest to keep his mouth away from touching his. He could feel the desire forming in them both and he knew it would be hard to resist going further than a kiss.

Just as they reached the stairs, Richard popped his head around the living-room door.

"Boys, if you're going in the room, keep the door open okay?" He asked, trying not to sound too unreasonable.

"Dad, I'm seventeen," Corey sighed and mentally face palmed with embarrassment.

"Yes I know, I just don't want you getting up to anything you know you shouldn't," He chuckled, trying to keep the conversation friendly. Even though Richard respected their privacy this morning, he has seen the way they look at each other and he knows it's only a matter of time before they take their relationship further. He thinks they should be together for a little longer before that happens but he doesn't understand how strong their love is and how strong their feelings are. He doesn't want to see either of them get hurt.

That's something else he doesn't understand, it's psychically impossible for one soulmate to upset the other. Especially soulmates with a bond like theirs.

"Seriously?" Corey said, hoping he was somewhat joking.

"Yes. Corey, I'm serious." Richard's voice was a little more stern while he crossed his arms.

Panuleon respected Richards wishes but he knows that when the moment comes, they won't be able to hold back their feelings. They're just too strong.

"Alright," Corey breathed but turned and walked upstairs before he started an argument with his dad. He understands his concern but he hoped he had a little more trust in him.

Panuleon gave Richard a quick smile before following his soulmate to his room.

When they were in the room, they both stared at the door, weighing up the options of angering Corey's Parents or satisfying their needs. Corey thought he was old enough to decide for himself so he walked over and shut it gently. It wasn't his intentions to anger them on purpose, he was doing what he felt was okay.

When he turned around, Panuleon was standing right behind him and was ready to pull Corey into a passionate kiss. He couldn't help it, they both needed it.

Their lips connected instantly as Corey reached up and wrapped his arms around Panuleon's shoulders. The heat grew in their chests. The angel leant into his soulmate so Corey's back was pushed against the door. They continued to kiss while he lifted him up so he could wrap his legs around him.

They were close, passionate and knew this was what they needed to do.

Panuleon carried Corey over to the bed and lowered him down gently. As they continued to kiss, he crawled on top of his warm body and tangled his fingers in his hair. Corey let out a cute moan that tempted Panuleon to start kissing his jaw and eventually his neck. Their feelings were deepening and it was too late to pull out now.

They needed to share this intimate moment, it was time.

* * * * *

Richard sat back down next to Samantha in the living-room.

"Did he agree?" Samantha asked with a suspicious look.

"He said yes but I know if I walk up there now, the door will be shut and they'll be doing something I would rather not walk in on," Richard sighed. "I saw the way they were looking at each other. I know that look."

Samantha put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's old enough to make his own decisions. I wouldn't trust anyone better than Panuleon because there isn't anyone better. They're going to be together forever. If that's not good enough for you, then I don't know what is," She smiled.
He sighed in defeat and looked out towards the window.

"I know. They're perfect for each other. I'm just struggling to accept that our boy is growing up, that's all."

Samantha smiled wider and snuggled into Richards side.

Monica and Samuel listened to their conversation but they didn't feel like they had a right to put in their opinion. Obviously, their son was making a big step in his relationship and they wanted to know if he was going to be safe, responsible and maybe even talk to him about it. But they have been absent for most of his life, they don't have the right to include themselves into his personal one.

Zachariah and Jenny were talking about heaven and what will happen when they connect their bond. Things at the minute are awkward and polite. But in time, they'll become familiar with each other and they'll relax.

Just like Corey and Panuleon, they will go from strangers to friends, then lovers.

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