Chapter 12

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Panuleon struggled to get to Corey's house and kept falling from the skies. He landed in the woods and stopped to take a deep breath.

This isn't the worst he has ever been injured, but the pain is almost unbearable.

He looked around to see a family of rabbits standing on their back legs, sniffing the air. They were staring at him but could sense he was no threat.

All of a sudden they dashed away, signalling to the angel that something else was coming. He looked up to the sky and concentrated on Corey before vanishing again.

This time, he landed in his back garden. He collapsed to his knees as he tried to collect the last bit of strength he had to get into the human's bedroom.

Corey could feel that Panuleon was close by.

As soon as he shut his bedroom door, the angel landed heavily on his floor and crashed into the shelves, knocking everything off.

Corey's eye's widened before he rushed over and looked at his injuries.

"Your wing!" He said with worry.

Panuleon looked weak, and his right wing had a tear through the middle.

He grabbed Corey's arm and pulled him close so he could hear.

"Corey, I need you to get me some warm water, mixed with salt" He breathed.

Corey's worried eyes scan over his wing once more. He nodded and quickly headed out of the room.

When he was gone, Panuleon tried to sit up but the pain was still unbearable.

Corey ran downstairs but stopped when he reached the kitchen.

"How am I going to put salt in warm water without my parents noticing?" He asked to himself but Panuleon is injured and Corey can feel that he's in excruciating pain.

So he needs to act fast.

He walked into the kitchen and turned the hot tap on. He discretely got the salt from the cupboard and poured it into a cup. He then casually filled it with warm water.

He didn't say a word to his parents as they watched him silently.

He then turned and walked out like it was the most normal thing he has ever done. He knew there was no time for questions and making up excuses; he needed to get back to Panuleon.

When he entered the room, the angel was still in the same position but he seemed to be in more pain.

Corey quickly walked over with the salt water in his hand.

"I need you to listen to my instructions, okay?" Panuleon said, making sure he was paying attention before he carried on.

Corey nodded as he leant down beside him.

"Dip your hand into the water and rub it across the tear in my wing. I cannot do it myself; it is too painful."

Corey looked nervously at his wing, not wanting to hurt him.

"It's okay, this will help."

Just like Panuleon said, he dipped his hand in the water and started rubbing it down the tear.

His wings were smooth and soft; his feathers were as white as snow, and each one was perfectly shaped.

Panuleon could feel the salt water soaking into the tear, creating even more discomfort. But Corey's gentle touch was somehow numbing the pain a little bit.

"Thank you," Panuleon breathed as he put the cup down.

"What does it do? Will it help mend your wing?" Corey asked when the angel was able to sit up.

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