Chapter 36

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Samuel and Monica were waiting patiently in the kitchen. They talked about whether it was right to let Jenny know who they really are. 

They are very accepting about their son's relationship with Corey. They didn't think much about that, it's something they don't feel is a problem. Yes, their son is in love with a male. But love is love, who are they to judge? 

When Richard came back into the kitchen, he was shortly followed by the boys. Monica tried to hold in the urge to hug her son when their eyes met.

Seeing their son so grown up with good manners, a kind heart and someone to love is more than comforting. They wondered for so long about where he was, if he was alright and whether he was happy. But why was he on earth? Was it so he could be with Corey or was it something else? 

They have so many questions that are bursting to be asked. 

Panuleon stood with Corey. He looked at his parents as they looked back. He could see the desperate look in their eyes to talk and to just be with him. His gaze wondered to Corey's parents and then Jenny. They all looked confused as to why they were here.

His eyes then landed on the sight he loves the most.


"So, why are you both here to see Panuleon? it's nice of you to come round after so long." Samantha gave Monica a warm smile.

"Your house is constantly changing, but it looks lovely," She said before turning serious, knowing that if she was going to say it, she had to say it now. She looked at Samuel who gave her a smile of encouragement before clearing her throat. "Look, we have something very important to tell you all."

All eyes turned to her. She looked to Panuleon who gave her a small smile of encouragement too, knowing what her motives were. That gave her the strength to say what she was about to say next. 

"We're... Panuleon's parents."

The room fell deadly silent, everyone was stood either looking at Panuleon or looking at Monica and Samuel. Panuleon hated the attention on him but Corey's warm hand holding tightly onto his was very calming.

"What?" Jenny questioned and took a step forward. "Are you kidding me?"

Monica felt very guilty. Her best friend for all these years never had a single clue.

"I'm so sorry we didn't tell you, we just couldn't afford to get caught. We needed to find Pan-"

"Save it, you lied to me!" She shouted. She also looked very hurt.

"Jenny please, just hear us out." Monica pleaded with her but she wasn't prepared to listen. She could only see one side to this story and that was her lying. Yes, it was selfish to not hear what she had to say, but she was angry. 

"Jenny, your view may change if you just listen-"

"No Panuleon," She interrupted. "I won't listen. Suddenly, you come along and you ruin everything. I'm sick of being kept in the dark!" She then turned and stormed out of the kitchen. She slammed the door behind her.

"She doesn't know what she's saying, she's just angry," Corey said quickly. He could feel Panuleon's guilt. He wondered if he really put a negative impact on their life. It definitely wasn't his intentions. "Hey look at me," Corey reached up and tapped his chin so he would look at him. "You didn't ruin anything."

"Are you sure? I would hate to-"

Corey pulled his head down until their faces were really close. 

"You didn't ruin anything," He said again, making sure he understood. "You have no idea how happy I am that you're here."

This brought a big smile to the angel's face. 

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