Chapter 44

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As the journey continued, only minutes were left until they reached their destination. Corey was a little giddy with excitement. It had been years since he last saw that place and every memory was happy and full of adventure and care free emotions. He loved it, and now he could share it with Panuleon.

When they pulled into the deserted car park, Samuel and Monica sat peacefully on a wooden bench near the entrance. Richard parked the car carefully and sighed in relief as he turned off the engine. He likes to drive, but no longer than half an hour at a time.

Everyone climbed out of the car, feeling the desperation to bend their legs. The air was fresh and full of morning dew, but warm nonetheless.

The car was quickly unpacked. There was enough people to share the load between them before they set off down the rugged trail.

Panuleon and Corey both carried bags on their backs to free their hands, so they could hold onto each other. Every couple within the group was either holding hands, or staying close. Jenny felt incredibly lonely at that point, but kept it to herself. She didn't want to dim the mood and maybe it would be selfish of her to talk about what she was missing out on when Samuel and Monica have been through so much together.

But at least they had each other.

She took her gaze to the river and pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind.

Panuleon was taking a big intake of fresh air. He could taste the pure richness, flowing from the country side. He hadn't realised how much he liked to be outdoors where the world stood still and no humans had built on top of the natural beauty with their modern ways.

Corey was scanning the view, taking in every detail of the familiar surroundings. He loved the way the gravel crunched under their feet and the calming swish of the river flowing to their left. He enjoyed the happy buzz of the crickets and the vibrant colours of the trees and open fields.

He missed this place.

After fifteen minutes of following the trail, they pulled off towards the left and followed the grass until they reached the river bank.

There they lay the picnic blankets and rested the bags of food and drinks around it. Samantha had brought towels and a change of clothes for both Corey and Panuleon, in-case they wanted to swim in the river. Even though Panuleon always wears the same clothes, they are always so fresh and clean. She wondered how that would be, but it would be easier to just accept it.

Panuleon walked gently to the river bank. It was only a meter away from the blanket but he made sure Corey was aware of where he was. Even a meter tugged on their bond.

He knelt down so he could dip his finger tips in the cool water. It was crisp and clear, creating shadows on the river floor from passing birds. He could see from the bank that the deepest point would only go up to his chest. The current was weak and would be no threat to Corey if he would want to enter the water.

To an angel, the strongest current wouldn't be much of a problem.

Corey had taken his shoes and socks off. He didn't need to roll any trouser legs up as he prepared himself by wearing shorts.

He stood for a second longer, watching Panuleon's calm nature attract the wildlife and fill the area around him before walking over to join him on the river bank.

He sat down on the grass and dipped his toes into the water. No words were needed, Panuleon could feel he was there.

With one glance, it filled their hearts with joy as the angel sat as close as he could get.

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