Chapter 37

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"I'm on earth because I questioned Gods existence," Panuleon said. He was a little nervous and didn't want them to be angry at him for doing so.

"But he was set up," Corey added. It was technically Raphael's fault that he was sent here.

"That is also true. An angel called Raphael made sure I was sent here so I could meet Corey and connect our bond."

Monica and Samuel frowned.

"Why would he do that? Didn't he know that relationships with humans are forbidden?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, but he was working with demons. They were looking for a human with an extraordinary bond with an angel."

Monica sat forwards and looked between the boys.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because they wanted to experiment on Corey and use him somehow to their advantage. They believed that Corey had a special power, one that he fulfilled when we connected our bond."

Samuel also sat forwards. They have never seen or heard of anything so strong before.

"And does he have that special power?"

"Yes, you can see the gold in his eyes, it appeared when he exposed his anger." Panuleon looked down to Corey, feeling proud.

"So, what is this ability you possess and why do you have it?" Samuel asked. He now noticed the gold circling Corey's pupils.

"I'm not entirely sure. I got angry at the demons and managed to somehow find it. But I'm not sure if that's how it works or if there's more to it." Corey felt Panuleon rest his arm around his shoulders.

"That's interesting" He mumbled. He thought about what it could mean. Having a power so strong will come with great responsibility. He and Panuleon are together for a reason, but what? This can't just be happening for no cause.

"Okay, now you have to tell us all about your relationship. I can imagine Jenny already did a full investigation," Monica grinned, creating a few giggles from Samantha. "But, we want to hear about it from both of you."

Corey felt Panuleon lean into him more and he could hear that he knew this would come. It's something they don't mind talking about, they are both very proud of each other.

"What would you like to know?" Corey asked.

"Well, how strong is your bond exactly?" Samuel asked. Monica and Samuel are both soulmates, but their bond is nowhere near as powerful as the boys.

"Incredibly strong. We cannot be more than five meters apart and we have to be making physical contact at least every hour otherwise, it becomes distressing for us both. We need to feel that the other one is there," Panuleon said, making sure they understood.

"Wow, five meters? I've never heard of a bond that tight and powerful... ever," Samuel smiled. "But, it must be nice knowing that the person you're in love with is always going to be by your side."

Panuleon leant down and kissed Corey's temple. Warmth appeared in both of their chests. Their love is real, affectionate and very sweet to watch.

But suddenly,

Samuel stood up. He could hear something unusual but the way he sensed it made him realise it was humans.

Panuleon sat up and listened hard.

"There's someone in your house." The whole room immediately tensed up.

"What!? who?" Samantha asked as everyone else stood up too.

Panuleon held Corey close to his side while they moved around the table.

"There's more than one," He said and watched his dad. They knew they needed to get out.

"Okay, everyone, stay calm, let's go out the back door quickly," Richard said but it was too late.


A group of people burst in through both the kitchen and the back door. They caught everyone by surprise as a horrible high pitched noise screeched through the room. Everyone who was human was forced to cover their ears. The noise was unbearable. Corey gasped and covered his ears as Panuleon tried to help him. He felt his distress.

He put his hands over the top of Corey's, sheltering his ears from the noise.

Something or someone instantly pulled them both from each other's grip while everyone else fell to their knees, wishing this god awful noise would stop.

Samuel had been captured so he couldn't come to their aid.

Panuleon hit the man who was trying to hold onto him before attempting to run back to his soulmate but something was then thrown and attached around his waist. It made him almost collapse.

Somehow, it was turning off his powers.

He was weak when more men tried to grab him.

"Panuleon!" Corey shouted when he was almost pulled past the five-meter mark. They both cried out in distress. "NO! let me go!"

Panuleon tried to push forwards but his powers were not working.

They both collapsed when they reached their limit. Panuleon cried in pain but there was nothing he could do. They both kicked, punched and struggled with everything they had.

They needed to get back to one another. They had to be next to each other. The pain and heartbreak were too unbearable to deal with.

"To the van, quickly!" A woman in a mask demanded. Monica could see they had already taken Samuel, now they were taking Corey. He was screaming and crying for his angel. It was clear that he was in phenomenal amounts of distress.

His parents could see them both aching in despair from being so far apart. Everyone tried to get up and fight them off but they got knocked back too quickly.

These people could fight, they were very skilled and had high-tech equipment. Everything was too planned out for their liking. Monica and Jenny ran to Corey but again, they got knocked back.

They both cried out in pain and loneliness as Panuleon fell to the ground, not being able to stand it. Corey was dragged out of the kitchen. He was still kicking and screaming but nothing was happening. He couldn't fight them, they were too strong.

Panuleon could no longer see him and it hurt so much. He hit one of the men but that only made their grip stronger.

"Corey, h-hold on, I'm c-coming for you!" The angel shouted when he heard the front door open.

As tears of pain and unbelievable heartache spilt from both Corey and Panuleon's eyes,

they were separated.

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