Chapter 29

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  Panuleon stared at the simple nature of Corey who was sleeping on top of him. He could feel his gentle breathing against his chest before he put his arms around his back and linked his fingers together.

His gaze wandered around the corners of the bedroom but landed back on Corey. His face was calm and relaxed as he lay, deep in his sleep. The angel wondered what he was dreaming about.

 He hoped that it wasn't the same dream as last night because he could feel it affected his soulmate more than what he would allow himself to admit.

The dream was about his little sister and the day she passed away. In his dream, the day would play out like it only just happened and would leave Corey waking up, feeling all the emotions he felt that day. And of course, they are not good ones.

Panuleon could hear him thinking about it yesterday and he could see he was trying to forget about it but was finding it harder than usual. 

Corey hadn't stirred once during the night so his dreams must have been more positive this time. the angel smiled as his thoughts drifted to Jenny.

Nobody in Corey's family seemed to care about him having a male as a soulmate. Panuleon hasn't been on earth long but he has seen big conflict and negativity towards people who like the same gender. This confused him. Why should that matter? He has heard of the wars that have happened throughout the centuries.

So why should something as small as love cause so much pain when there's clearly bigger problems in the world?

Loving Corey is something that feels so natural. Admittedly, he never thought he'd be in love with a male. When he was younger, he would look towards females as an example of who to love. But the comfort that Corey provides is more than what any female could ever provide for the angel.

He loves the masculine smell of his soulmate and his strong hugs. He likes his deep voice and how he can run his fingers through his hair. He can't explain why, he just does. 

There was then movement coming from the hallway, making Panuleon rise from his thoughts. There was a loud thud and a voice that he recognised as Jenny's.

He also heard more movement which he assumed was Richard and Samantha.

Corey started to stir. He brought his hands up to rub the sleep from his eyes. He lifted his head and gazed sleepily at Panuleon. He loved how he was the first thing he saw when he woke up.

He yawned and re-positioned himself. Panuleon smiled as Corey relaxed back on top of him.  

The human closed his eyes again and concentrated on the angel's warm body underneath him.

"Morning" He croaked. His throat was sore.

He frowned when it felt like sandpaper.

"Good morning" Panuleon's voice was always so kind.

He watched his soulmate sit up but his head was pounding really hard.

"Are you alright Corey?" He asked with concern. He could see the discomfort on his face.

"I don't feel very well."

Panuleon examined Corey's presence and he could now feel that he wasn't quite right. 

"Come here," He said softly and pulled him onto his lap. Corey's cheeks went slightly pink but he was feeling very ill.

The angel rested his hands on the side of his soulmate's face. Corey knew what was coming so he shut his eyes and concentrated on the cool healing energy, flooding his head. 

After around twenty seconds, he opened his eyes when he felt like his normal self again. Panuleon could feel that he was now okay and pulled him into a hug.

"Thanks" Corey smiled and slowly buried his head into Panuleon's shoulder. He loved his smell and his warmth. He loved how comfortable he felt in his company. 

Just then, the door creaked open.

Corey's parents entered the bedroom. The boys glanced up to see them looking desperate.

"Boys, sorry for interrupting but you need to come and talk to Jenny. She's asking a lot of questions" Richard sighed.

Samantha smiled at how cute Corey looked, sitting on Panuleon's lap with their arms around each other. It will take her a while to get used to seeing her son this close with someone but it's even better seeing him this happy.

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute" Corey smiled. He was trying to fight off the blush that Panuleon was clearly staring at.

"Alright," Samantha grinned as she watched them both for a little longer. It was just so sweet to see. 

When they left the room, Corey climbed out of bed so he could get dressed and freshen up. He grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom.

Panuleon followed him and stood in front of the door so it didn't feel like he was too far away.

Corey turned on the shower and waited for the right temperature before stepping in. The water was warm and inviting but he didn't want to be away from his angel for too long so he started to wash his hair.

If he couldn't see him, it was a little unsettling, he didn't like it. 

When he was done, He started getting dressed but he forgot a t-shirt. He slipped his jeans on and rubbed his hair with a towel before opening the door. He walked straight into Panuleon, not realising he would be standing right in front of the doorway. 

"Oh sorry, I just forgot my t-shirt" He mumbled shyly but stopped when he saw a big smile appearing on Panuleon's face.

"Your blush, you are um- it's cute when you do that." He fumbled with his words as he tried not to look at Corey's bare chest. Physical attraction comes strong between two soulmates. Having feelings like this were really new to the angel. 

Corey chuckled and stepped closer.

"Your blush is cute too" He grinned. It was new for him too but angels are exceptionally innocent. 

He then walked over to the t-shirt he forgot to pick up. They both were trying to calm their heated faces. The love they share is strong but they've only just started. They are still getting used to their feelings so there is plenty of room for fresh embarrassment.

When he put his t-shirt on, he headed back into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Panuleon smiled at himself for getting so embarrassed over something as simple as a shirtless body.

But it was Corey's shirtless body and it's hard when he's growing seriously in love with that person.  

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