Chapter 24

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Corey's heart started racing. The last human they experimented on died and they wanted to do the same thing to him!?

"Corey, calm down. I won't let them touch you" Panuleon whispered as the demons interrogated his Parents. He could feel his soulmate's emotions and he was starting to panic.

"How're we going to get out of this?" He whispered back.

"I am waiting for them to make the first move."

Panuleon eyed the demons suspiciously. There's something strange about this. It's almost like they're waiting for something to happen.

"What if they don't," Corey was feeling the worry flash through him.

Panuleon cupped his chin with his fingers and looked deep into his eyes.

"Then we will figure it out. you are safe with me" He smiled, making him relax a little bit. Even though he's freaking out, he can't resist Panuleon's charming smile. 

"I know" He breathed before they returned their attention back to the demons.

"You know, you two are sweet. Do you know what happens to a human if their soulmate dies?" The leader asked.

Panuleon bit the inside of his lip to stop him from lashing out.

"Stop. Why are you still talking and not fighting for what you came for?"

"We're just planning on who to kill first," The other demon said before his eye glanced over to Corey's parents. They seemed to notice that too and started to panic.

"Don't touch my parents," Corey said sternly but his heart dropped when he saw a tear slip down his mother's cheek.

The men exchanged looks. It was like they had a plan but didn't know when to reveal it.

But the man from the alley reached into his back pocket. His eyes turned dark as a sinister smile flashed across his face. He pulled out a small gun and without hesitation, he pointed it at Corey's parents.

Their plan had started.

Everything then seemed to go in slow motion when two bullets flew through the air. The noise echoed through Corey's ears as his eyes tried to catch up with what he was seeing.

His breath instantly caught in his throat when his mum and dad dropped suddenly to the ground, their lives ending almost instantly.

He couldn't believe it, he didn't want to believe it.

"No" He breathed. Everything around him seemed to disappear while he pulled away from his angel's grip and stumbled to his parent's.
Everything was silent and suddenly very dull.

"Dad?" He whispered before dropping to his side.

No response.

"Mum?" He whispered as tears filled his eyes fast and flowed steadily down his cheek.

Still no response.

His heart felt like it was ripping apart.

"Panuleon, you need to help them!" He cried and turned to see him staring at the demons who until now, Corey forgot were in the room.

Reality came flooding back but everything seemed like a dream.

The demons were still working on their plan to reveal Corey's power, so they flashed a shiny silver knife as Panuleon's gaze fell on his soulmate.
He could feel the heartbreak and the confused emotions flowing from him when he looked at his parents, lying lifeless on the floor. He knew it was too late to help them but it couldn't hurt to try.

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