Chapter 41

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Panuleon was watching the TV. Well, he was trying to figure out what was real and what wasn't. He also didn't understand a lot of the things people talked about. Corey was sleeping gently on top of him. It has been almost three hours since he first went to sleep, but Panuleon could feel that he needed it. He was relaxed, warm and safe.

Monica and Samuel were sitting on the floor as Corey's family sat on the opposite couch. They tried to make their staring discrete, but Panuleon could feel them watching. He didn't mind, he knows it's still new for Corey's family to have him around.

He watched his parents who were talking happily with Jenny. They are having a little time to relax before heading back to the warehouse where they will confront the people who took the boys. If they need more angel feathers, Samuel will give it to them. If they need to run more tests on him, then he'll let them. He'll do anything to prevent them from attacking the boys. They can't go through that again.

After watching their son for a couple of hours, Monica and Samuel have noticed how much Panuleon is attached to Corey. Every time he stirred, Panuleon would rub his back and whisper sweet things into his ear until he fell back to sleep. He would also watch his soulmate like he was the most interesting person on earth. But the way Corey could just fall asleep on him after being kidnapped and tortured like that shows how he also treasures Panuleon's company and warmth.

"How are you doing?" Monica asked her son quietly. She and Samuel scooted over and sat on the floor next to him.

"I'm good. Better now that Corey is settled," He whispered.

"So, can you both feel each other's emotions?" Samuel asked, wanting a better understanding of their extraordinary bond.

"Yes, I can feel everything he feels."

"Interesting. We can only communicate telepathically. We can feel each other's love, but that is all. It's clear you two share something much greater." Monica smiled at Corey's innocent nature. She has known the human for a long time. He has always been a sweet boy, Kind, considerate and always happy. What a magical coincidence that he happened to be the soulmate of their son.

Or was it?

Just then, Corey started to wake up.

He slowly lifted his hands to his eyes and rubbed them tiredly. He could hear the faint talking of Panuleon and his parents, but he didn't know if it was part of his dream or not. When he opened his eyes, he could feel his soulmate's warm arms around him. He blinked, focusing his view as Monica and Samuel smiled.  He gave a smile in return before stretching lightly.

"Hello," He mumbled.

Panuleon smiled at his cuteness.

"You have slept for about three hours," The angel informed him. He is very good with time. When Corey goes to sleep at night, he can always tell the exact time by watching the moon and the stars.

Corey nodded, thinking it was near enough that long.

After his nap, he felt refreshed and a lot calmer. His energy levels are back and he doesn't feel traumatised anymore. Panuleon is right here, just like he said he would be. There's no need for him to worry.

"Oh Corey, you're awake!" Samantha chirped with a big smile. "We were just talking about having a day out tomorrow as it's Jenny's last day before having to go back home."

Jenny doesn't live very far, but her work is demanding and it can be hard for her to get time off in the first place.

"That'll be nice," Corey looked at everyone in the living-room. "Are we all going?"

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