Chapter 25

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  There was warmth in Corey's chest. He couldn't explain why, but he felt happy and relaxed. He felt like there was nothing in the world for him to worry about and he was free from harm's way.

As he became more conscious, he could hear talking in the background. It was unusual and didn't make sense until he realised it must be the TV.

He suddenly felt movement on his back and his eyes tiredly flickered open. 

The first thing he saw was the side of Panuleon's face. He then noticed the familiar sight of his living-room.

He closed his eyes again and realised the movement on his back was his angel's arms, holding him close.

That realisation really warmed his heart. It was still very exciting to be like this with someone.

He buried his head deeper into the side of Panuleon's cheek while the smell and the warmth of his body underneath him made him feel like he was the safest and luckiest person on earth.

Something about the way he felt made him understand that his angel was feeling the exact same way. For one soulmate to feel so relaxed and at peace with their life, their significant other must feel the same way. 

"I know you're awake" Panuleon murmured.

Corey could tell by the sound of his voice that he was smiling.

"I'm not awake" He mumbled tiredly but didn't bother to move. Panuleon chuckled, sending warmth through Corey's chest once more. He felt his movement and it excited his senses.

A few moments went by before Corey spoke again.

"How long have I been asleep for?"

He brought his hand up and resting it on Panuleon's chest. His heart thumped faster, it felt so good to feel him.

"A few hours. I'm glad you've had your rest, you didn't seem to sleep too comfortably last night." 

Yesterday's events with the demons and his parents seemed to trouble little Corey a bit more than what he wanted it to. So last night, he kept having nightmares and drifting in and out of sleep.

"I'm okay now" Corey whispered and pushed those memories from yesterday to the back of his mind. There is no need for him to think about it, he's safe, his parents are safe and he's with the person who gives him protection and all his trust. 

Corey lifted his head and looked into the angel's soft, hazel eyes. He studied them, seeing the raw, faithful and innocence of his beauty.

He glanced at his lips and they shared the same thought.

Without much hesitation, he pressed his lips softly against Panuleon's. It was only one kiss but they both knew they needed it. To them, it was intimate and very special.

When Corey lifted his head, the glow of Panuleon's wings was shining brightly as they stretched tall, almost knocking a vase off the table. He couldn't help but show them as feeling his soulmate's lips washed an emotion of affection through his body. 

Corey's breath caught in his throat as he traced his fingers over the perfect white feathers. He hasn't seen Panuleon's wings up close since the fight with Raphael. They are also something he is still getting used to. His soulmate has... wings. He had feathers that attached to him. 

Sometimes, he found himself thinking too intensely about how crazy that was.

Panuleon chuckled and took his hand away from his wing.

"That tickles."

Corey grinned at the sound of the angel's happiness.

"It does?" He reached up again to touch his wing but before he could do anything, Panuleon grabbed his waist and Rolled over so he was quickly underneath him. The angel managed to put his wings away and stare at the cute blush appearing on Corey's face.

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