Chapter 17

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Panuleon and Corey found a little cafe when the angel realised that Corey hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

They also needed to figure out their next move.

"I realise this sounds foolish, but we might have to go back to the factory," He said while Corey sipped on some water. "I think Raphael was lying. I can't imagine they would be anywhere else."

The human looked at him with sad eyes, knowing they needed to be found and quickly.

"you're right, it's the only logical place they would be."

He wished he could feel his parents the way he feels Panuleon, then they might have a better chance of finding them.

"Are you finished?" The angel asked, looking down at his half-eaten sandwich.

"yeah, I wasn't as hungry as I thought," He mumbled as they both stood up and left quickly, not wanting to draw attention to themselves.

They walked until the streets got quieter and stopped outside a deserted house.

Panuleon looked up to the skies and caught a glimpse of what looked like shooting stars, heading in the direction of the factory.

"We'll have to walk," He said, knowing that Corey wasn't fond of flying anyway and it was too risky with demons looking for them.

"Okay, is it far?" He asked while they started walking behind the empty house. 

The angel helped him to jump over the garden fence and back into the woods.

"It's not a great distance, we'll be there soon."

He could almost feel the worry Corey had for his parents. It was strange. He felt so connected to him.

As they walked, the sky got darker. The trees became a black outline to the upper regions and the stars appeared more visible.

Corey dared to take Panuleon's hand as they walked deeper into the woods. The angel looked down and felt his heart beating harder while their bodies brushed against each other.

He's falling deeper in love with him, every passing second and he can feel that Corey is the same.

He was just some human that Panuleon thought he would never see again but he couldn't have been more wrong.

Corey could feel his eyes on him.

He looked up and smiled as the angel found it near enough impossible not to smile back.

He intertwined their fingers, feeling the heat of electricity through their palms. 

Corey saw him blush and he couldn't help but redden his own cheeks.

When they're together, the rest of the world seemed so unimportant. It was hard for them not to concentrate on their feelings.

But suddenly,

Corey stopped.

He thought he heard something. Panuleon heard the cracking of branches too while he listened carefully.

He was so caught up in staring at his newly found soulmate that he didn't realise he could sense demons nearby.

As the feeling got stronger, Corey felt the angel put his hands on his shoulders and pull his back against his chest.

He could see a tree that was about 2 feet in front of him but beyond that, it was darkness.

But something in the distance sounded like it had been thrown.

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