Chapter 13

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"Corey, I-"

"I feel it too" Corey whispered.

"You're my-" Panuleon could barely get his words together. "My soulmate."

He couldn't move his eyes away from the human.

They stood with their hands still holding onto each other, not able to put into words what just happened.

The unbreakable bond is officially sealed, and they can feel that they are connected.

All those strong emotions of love and affection were growing strong and circling their hearts.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and it started to open.

Corey blinked before standing back. He was stunned and had no idea what just happened.

"Corey, I'm just checking- Oh," Samantha stood in the doorway, surprised to see Panuleon. "I didn't know you came around again." 

Panuleon only just managed to tear his gaze away from him so he could look at her.

"Oh, yes. I-" He started, but Corey quickly jumped in.

"He needed a place to stay tonight, can he stay here?"

He didn't even think, it just came out but he was hoping his mum would say yes.

"Of course, but why do you need a place to stay?" She asked, looking concerned.

"Uh, just family problems."

Corey and Panuleon nodded, trying their hardest to keep their gaze away from each other.

But Samantha was quickly distracted.

"What happened to your shelves!?"

She walked in and started picking things up off the floor.

One of the shelves had broken, due to Panuleon's impact.

"I apologize, that was my fault," He said as they went over and helped.

"Don't worry, I'll get Richard to fix it" She smiled before heading out of the room.

As soon as she was gone, they looked at each other again, seeing more than what was in front of them.

Corey didn't view Panuleon as just an angel. He viewed him as a kind, gentle and an affectionate angel with a personality filled with empathy, wisdom, and warmth.

He could feel the love he had for him radiating from inside and it was strange to suddenly have so many strong feelings towards someone he barely knew.

But Corey did know him; they were always meant to be together and he could somehow feel that.

Panuleon could see everything he has ever liked about Corey, become everything he loves. The person he was meant to be with is standing right in front of him and that whole time, he didn't have a single clue.

"This is so strange," Corey whispered.

Panuleon didn't know what to say, he was shocked by all the new feelings and connections, bringing them together. He never thought he'd feel this way towards a human.

"Corey, I can see it now. Everything was adding up to this moment. I know it sounds cliché, but we have been connected for many years. We just needed to seal the bond" Panuleon said as he looked down and into those sparkling blue eyes.

"Why a human? Wouldn't it make sense for an angel to be connected to another angel? Does this happen a lot?" Corey asked, trying to get all his questions out.

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