Chapter 6

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After Corey was done washing up, his parents decided to talk to him about nothing particularly exciting. Listening intently to their words was difficult, his mind kept wandering back to the angel who was hiding in his bedroom.

"I think they're going in a couple of weeks," Richard said as his son's attention re-surfaced.

"Sorry, what were you saying?"

"Son, is there something on your mind? You've been like this all day."

Corey twiddled his thumbs, trying to think of something to say.

"No, I'm fine." He released the most natural smile he could manage.

"You would tell us if something is bothering you, though?" Samantha asked, her tone filled with concern. She and Richard stared at him like they were trying to read his mind.

"Of course," he nodded.

"Good, thanks for washing up."

Corey headed towards the door when their attention turned elsewhere. He jogged up the stairs, eager to be in the presence of the angel. Panuleon was sitting on the floor, next to the window when he entered. The aura around him was so soft and gentle. He watched how the human walked over and sat down in front of him.

"You know, that could have been my parents coming upstairs."

Panuleon tilted his head.

"I could tell it was you."


"I just could." The angel linked his fingers together and looked around the room. He was bored, and it was hard for him to stay in one place, but there was something about Corey's presence that interested him. He didn't feel like he was sitting with a human, he felt much wiser. "Can we go on a tour of your home?"

"But, my parents will see you."

The angel smiled, leaking his cheeky nature.

"Humans can be very simple sometimes," he thought and stood up. "I can go invisible to the human eye for a certain amount of time. If I concentrate hard, I can hold it for almost an hour."

Corey's eyes widened with amazement, wondering if this day could get any more magical.

"You can go invisible!?"

Panuleon found himself smiling at his excitement.

"Watch." He closed his eyes and focused. It took him a moment, but once he was in a calm state and had a clear mind, he knew it had worked. He opened his eyes, but to his surprise, the human was still watching him. The angel stepped left and then right, but Corey's gaze followed him.

"I can still see you," he said when Panuleon walked over to the mirror.

"But, I am invisible," Frowning, he couldn't see his own reflection. Corey stood next to him, and his short reflection was visible. It looked extraordinary to witness two people standing in the view of a mirror, but only one of them was apparent. Corey felt like he was in an old vampire film.

"Is it not working?" Panuleon thought to himself and heard someone coming up the stairs. Without thinking, he stepped out of the bedroom and into the view of Corey's dad. Richard didn't bat an eyelid as he walked straight past without a care in the world.

Corey's heart was racing. He had gasped and held his breath, thinking that Panuleon was about to get discovered. Richards blankness proved to them both that he was definitely invisible.

The angel stepped back into the room, and Corey quickly shut the door behind him. The frown of confusion was still visible. How can the human see him?

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