Chapter 40

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The ride home consisted of Corey and Panuleon hugging extremely close and Jenny babbling about how cute they looked. They weren't listening because they could only concentrate on each other. To be back on one another's arms was all they could ever ask for. It was soothing, emotional and they felt the affection radiating through them once again.

When Richard pulled up into the driveway, they boys didn't let go of each other's hands while everyone climbed out of the car and made their way towards the house.

"That was my first time in a vehicle," Panuleon smiled.

"Really? How did you find it?" Corey croaked, still needing a drink.


Corey chuckled for the first time in what felt like forever. It was nice for him to break a laugh after being so distressed.

As they entered the house, the heat was very inviting. The familiar sight and smell made Corey relax further into a calmer state.

"Let's get you a drink," Panuleon said softly and placed his hands on his shoulders. He guided him towards the kitchen.

Monica and Samuel were standing near the table when everyone entered. Jenny went over to pull them into one of her tight hugs while Panuleon handed Corey a glass of water.

The angel's gaze then wandered to his parents. It is still sinking in that they are now a part of his life. But, it isn't as hard to cope with as what he thought it would be. He was prepared to live without them so having them here is just an added bonus to this odd line of coincidences.

The cool feeling of the icy water soothed Corey's throat before he turned to put the empty glass in the sink. When he looked up to Panuleon, his angel was already staring at him. He had a gentle smile on his face.

Corey couldn't help but blush as he wrapped his arms around his waist and buried his head into his chest. Panuleon gently started played with Corey's hair. He knew he needed comforting after the crazy events.

"Do you think they'll come looking for us again?" Corey asked.

"They most likely will. But we'll fly out of there faster than they can blink. I'll never let them take you away from me again Corey," Panuleon vowed as he planted a kiss into his hair.

"I know," He smiled.

"When you ran back to me in the warehouse, your eyes were shining pure gold." Panuleon linked his fingers around the back of Corey's neck.

"Really? There was no blue? Like, at all?"

Panuleon shook his head.

"I think you were close to exposing your power again."

Corey frowned.

"But I wasn't angry, well maybe I was a little. But I was more upset than anything."

"I think because you were so distressed, your power was emerging without you realising it." Panuleon knew that they should maybe test his power and play around with it so they can both figure out how it works.

"Did they look weird?" Corey asked. Gold eyes are something you don't see every day, but neither are angels.

"No of course not. Your eyes are beautiful," He admitted with warmth creeping onto his cheeks.
It was true, The sparkling blue and the mesmerising gold makes them hard for him to not look at.

Corey glanced down, trying to hide his redness.

"That's sweet," He mumbled shyly. Panuleon grinned and kissed Corey's cheek before pulling him into his chest.

"It has been a very interesting day," He said.

"It has," Corey smiled but he was still a little traumatised. Even though he has gotten over the shock of being taken and then reunited, the whole experience will take some time to get over, for both of them.

"Here boys," Richard said and handed them both a cup of hot chocolate.

"Thank you," They said in unison as Panuleon stared at the brown creamy fluid in his cup.

"What is this?"

"It's hot chocolate, you should try it," Corey suggested, forgetting that he doesn't eat or drink anything.

Corey's parents watched, also forgetting that he isn't used to these sort of things.

Panuleon hesitated before taking a small sip. The drink was interesting and it wasn't what he expected. He wasn't quite sure what to expect in the first place.

"That is um... I'm not sure actually," He mumbled and watched Corey take a sip from his.

"It's okay if you don't like it," Corey smiled.

"It's just a taste I'm not used to," He admitted and put the cup on the counter.

Corey also put his cup down, just as his mum pulled him into a hug. But something inside him made him suddenly panic when he couldn't feel Panuleon. It was only a hug from his mum and his soulmate was standing right behind him so he didn't need to be so silly. But he is still recovering.

Panuleon felt his panic and rested a gentle hand on his back so Corey could feel he was there.

"I'm so happy you two are back home," Samantha beamed. She didn't notice the little burst of alarm that nearly escaped.

"Me too," Corey mumbled quietly while his dad pulled Samantha away.

He noticed.

"We both are," He smiled as Corey gripped Panuleon's hand.

"Sorry, I just-"

"You don't need to explain," Panuleon interrupted. "I feel the same. We just need time together."

Corey nodded, knowing he was right. Panuleon lifted their intertwined hands and kissed his knuckles.

"Are you alright Corey?" Samantha asked.

"I'm fine," He said, as always.

The angel is strong at coping with his emotions, Corey isn't. But he's getting there.

"Come on, I know you need some rest." Panuleon pulled Corey gently to the living room and his parents watched. They were concerned but they also knew the angel could calm their son down.

When they entered the room, Panuleon laid down on the couch. He watched Corey crawl on top of him before resting his body against his. He nestled his head into his shoulder.

"Don't think about it, you're safe now," He soothed and hugged him close.

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed. Everything changed so fast," Corey mumbled. "Having you pulled away from me made me realise that I really can't live without you. I'm still getting used to you being here, but I also need to get used to the bad people that'll now be in our lives."

Panuleon listened to him, knowing exactly how he was feeling.

"I know this is incredibly new and different and I'll do everything I can to make you feel safe. This is new for me too and I think we both just need time for it all to settle in."

Corey was silent for a moment. He was processing the last few crazy weeks.

"You're right," He yawned. The tiredness was creeping upon him and a few hours of sleep would do him well.

Panuleon rubbed his soulmate's back.

"Get some rest Corey. I'll be right here if you need me."

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