Chapter 23

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Panuleon glared at the man behind the glass.

"You killed him, didn't you?" Corey asked as the angel put his hands on his soulmates shoulders and pulled his back into his chest, wanting to keep him close.

"Yes," He said without breaking his gaze with the demon.

Corey looked towards his parents. They showed fear in their expressions but they also had faith in Panuleon, knowing he would do all he could to keep them safe.

"How is he, not dead?" He questioned as he leaned further into his angel when the demon smirked in his direction.

"I don't know, but what he did to you in the warehouse is unforgivable" Panuleon's voice was low and Corey could tell he was angry. He wouldn't let this demon just walk away, he was too much of a threat to this family.

He could sense it was only the leader. But why? Where are his followers? He had a strange feeling about his presence and something about it made him feel on edge.

The demon smirked and confidently opened the back door, entering the kitchen.

"You're not welcome in this house" Richard shouted. Although, Corey could tell they were nervous as they edged a couple of steps back. They feared what they couldn't explain. All this angel and demon stuff is still incredibly new for them and their minds were struggling to believe what they were seeing.

He was starting to feel angry too. How dare this demon come into their home and scare his parents like this. Corey just wanted him to leave or maybe even be killed... again.

The man stopped and let out a laugh that shook the walls.

"Don't speak to me like that" He spat which made Panuleon's grip on Corey's shoulders tighten.

"Enough" He growled, already growing impatient. "What are you doing here?"

The demon looked around the room with a smirk as his gaze landed on the human.

"You know why" He laughed as if this was a friendly conversation.

"I killed you," Panuleon said bluntly. He wasn't pleased about his coming back to life act.

"Nope," The demon sang as he took a step forward. "You killed my brother. And for that, I'm killing you!"

He shouted the last part, making Corey's mum whimper quietly.

Panuleon stood in front of his little soulmate, just in case the demon attacked.

"You're not going to touch me or this family" He muttered.

Corey caught his parents attention, trying to see if they were okay.

"And are you going to stop me?"

The demon knew he was out of his depth fighting an angel. But he killed his brother and this made his anger boil is blood.

He was also very interested in Corey. A human who shares such a strong connection with an angel is more unusual than what everyone is lead to believe. Of course, Angels have had humans as soulmates before, but never like this.

"You know this is an unfair battle, It's not too late for you to turn away," Panuleon said calmly, hoping that he didn't have to fight.

"It is too late," He said while grinning at Corey. "Once I kill you, the boy is mine."

He laughed while Panuleon felt his soulmate edge a little closer.

He looked down at him with reassuring eyes. If this is a fight between him and just one demon, the angel was sure he would win.

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