Chapter 14

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All night, Corey didn't stir once. He was so comfortable and so peaceful that he slept like he hadn't slept in days.

Panuleon sat on the edge of his bed and watched over him.

Occasionally he would get up and look out the window.

Now that morning approached, he could hear Corey's parents wandering downstairs.

Today, he had to be on guard.

The demons are after Corey and they know that he lives in this area so it shouldn't take them long to find his house. He is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect him from the dirty grasp of a demon.

Just then, there was a crash from downstairs. It sounded like someone had smashed a plate or multiple.

Panuleon stood up, shining his wings immediately.

He looked at Corey to see he was still sleeping as he walked slowly towards the bedroom door.

He couldn't sense any demons nearby, but he had to make sure everyone was safe.

He opened the door, just a crack but it filled his ears with clearer sounds.

He could hear scraping like someone was clearing up the mess.

"I can't believe it" He heard Corey's mum say. "All those plates! How on earth did they fall?"

He heard a frustrated sigh from Corey's dad.

"It looks like the leg snapped," Richard said as Panuleon realised there was nothing for him to worry about.

He put his wings away and shut the bedroom door. But before he turned, he could sense that someone was right behind him.

He knew it was Corey.

He smiled as he turned around.

Corey was closer to him than he expected but neither of them seemed to mind as the human blinked the sleep from his eyes.

"Morning" He whispered sleepily. Waking up and instantly having feelings for the angel was the strangest thing in the world.

"Good morning," Panuleon said as they gazed at each other, still getting familiar with their affectionate feelings.

They both craved the warmth and the comfort from one another but wasn't sure how to show it.

They knew they needed to express it but how?

As Corey looked up to Panuleon, he had an overpowering feeling of love and loyalty. It seemed to grow stronger overnight.

He watched his smile and liked how captivating and vibrant it was.

"I'm just going to get changed" He stated and turned to get some clothes. He knew if he kept staring at him, he wouldn't be able to hold back his feelings.

Panuleon went over and sat on the windowsill when Corey entered the bathroom.

He looked around the misty garden and out into the back streets of London. He kept the curtains shut, just in case any demons happened to be nearby.

Corey turned on the shower and waited for the water to go warm before stepping in.

He stood for a moment, letting the Angel fill his mind once more.

He clicked out of his thoughts, he didn't want to keep him waiting any longer. He remembered to wash before turning the shower off and getting dry.

When he was dressed, with his teeth brushed and his hair looking a little neater, he stepped out of the steamy bathroom and into the bedroom.

"Corey, I'm going to scan the area to make sure it's clear. Is that okay?" Panuleon asked.

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