Chapter 27

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  Corey was sat in his room, folding his clothes and putting them away in his drawers just like his mum had ordered. He was doing it quickly because he wanted to get back to Panuleon.

His Auntie Jenny was talking to his soulmate downstairs and when she gets talking, it's hard to get her to stop.

As he folded the last pair of trousers, Samantha came in with some bedding for Panuleon to sleep on.

"Mum you don't need to make him a bed, he doesn't sleep" Corey sighed, making her stop and frown.


"No. If he's injured he'll sleep, but that's only for an hour or so."

Corey picked up the cushion she dropped because her hands were already full.

"I'll help you put them back," He said while they headed out of the room. Samantha beamed at her son, she loved his manners and his ability to still be a sweet boy at the age of seventeen. 

"So, what does Panuleon do when it's time for you to sleep?" She asked. "Does he go outside?"

Corey smiled and squeezed the cushions into a small cupboard.

"No, he watches over me until I wake up." He predicted the size of his mum's smile. Of course, she was grinning like that was the best thing she'd heard all day. 

After the bedding had been put away, Corey turned to get back to his angel. He was desperately craving his touch.

"Wait, son," Samantha said after she shut the cupboard door. "How are you doing?" Her smile was so warm and happy as she took his hands in hers.

"I'm good," He said but realised that this is the happiest he has felt in a long time. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Yes, me and your father are doing much better," She said while squeezing his hands. Dealing with the fact that demon and angels are real is still taking over their thoughts a lot. But they're slowly coming to terms with it, they have to. "You know, seeing you so close to Panuleon makes it look like you two have known each other for years."

Samantha then pulled her son into a hug. Corey hugged her back tightly. He's still incredibly thankful to have his parents around, even more so after yesterday's events.

"Mum... I think I'm in love with him" Corey admitted quietly. He just had to say it out loud, just once. But Samantha almost fainted from excitement.

"And I think he's madly in love with you. I can see it. You're both so cute" She said while pinching his nose, making him pull away with a chuckle. She then ran a gentle hand through his hair and examined him with caring eyes. "You're so little." 

Corey rolled his eyes. 

"I'm big on the inside" He mumbled, fully aware that he is very short for his age.
Samantha chuckled at his statement.

"Come on, I can tell you're desperate to get back to him" She smiled before heading down the corridor. 

Corey was extremely desperate to get back to his soulmate and he could tell Panuleon felt the same. They've only been apart for under 30 minutes but the bond feels so strong. Corey also noticed that it felt a little stronger the further apart they got.

When he reached the kitchen, Corey immediately walked over to Panuleon and took his hand. The angel put his arm around his soulmate's waist, holding him close because he needed to feel him.

"I think the bond is getting stronger" He whispered.

"I know, I could barely stand being away from you" Corey whispered back while he eyed Jenny who was sitting at the table, minding her own business.

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