Chapter 10

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"My name is Samantha," Corey's mum beamed.

"It's nice to meet you," Panuleon said and returned her warm smile.

"Would you both like to help me paint?" Samantha asked, knowing Richard wouldn't let them help him paint. He was too much of a perfectionist.

Corey hesitated, he didn't want to, and he was sure an angel wouldn't want to, but he also had nothing more interesting to do.

Panuleon has never painted anything in his life; he also thought it would be a good distraction for Corey, now that they both know the Demons are after him.

"We'd love to," The angel said, eager to try something new. Not that the last few days haven't been extraordinarily new to him.

"Great, I'll go and get the spare paintbrush," She smiled before heading outside.

Richard had started painting the fences already.

"Is your arm sore?" Panuleon asked. He has been feeling the tingling sensation for a while now but couldn't say anything in front of Corey's parents.

"A little, but it's alright," Corey shrugged as he watched Panuleon's gaze drop to his arm.

He reached up and gently placed a hand, just above his elbow.

Corey felt the familiar fresh sensation flow around the area and soothe the pain once more. There was also that strange buzzing from earlier.

What is that?

Samantha came back into the kitchen to see Panuleon tenderly holding Corey's arm and them giving each other gentle expressions.

She didn't understand what he was doing and assumed they were being 'friendly' so she pretended not to notice.

Panuleon took his hand away as she walked over with the extra paintbrush. She was giving them an expression that the angel couldn't quite read but Corey could understand perfectly.

"She assumes we are on the verge of developing something more than a friendship, which is not happening," Corey thought as he looked at his mum, unimpressed.

She rolled her eyes and turned to put some paint in a tub before handing it to them, along with the paintbrushes.

"We'll start upstairs, is it just the skirting boards you want us to paint?" Corey asked.

"Yes, and the door frames."

He nodded and headed to the door with Panuleon close behind.

When they were heading upstairs, it felt strange because they didn't have to worry about the angel being seen.

"What is a skirting board?" Panuleon asked as they put the tub of paint on the floor, next to his parent's room.

"It's the frames that run along the bottom of the floor and the wall," he said and pointed to them.

"Oh, okay."

Panuleon knelt down beside the tub and dipped his paintbrush into the white blob.

"Try your best to keep it off the floor," Corey chuckled. He knelt down at the other side of the tub and started this boring chore.

Doing things like this is very unusual to Panuleon even though it's normal for Corey. He likes the simple life of a human but he also knew how many of them can have the most revolutionary ideas.

The things humans can invent and figure out amazes the angels. Even though most of them look down on humans as 2nd class, a select few like Panuleon believe they are just as important.

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