Chapter 43

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On the course of their journey, Richard had stopped off to pick up some picnic food and a big blanket so they had a comfortable place to sit when they arrived. They planned to stay the whole day relaxing by the lake and the weather was forecast to be rather warm. They hoped.

It has been forty-two minutes since they left the house. Panuleon has been counting. He doesn't mean to, but he is somewhat agitated. He hates small spaces and to be stuck in a little metal box with wheels is something he can add to that list. Not that the list is long, to begin with.

There is not a lot an angel can hate. They are programmed to love the things around them and be grateful for every bit of opportunity they receive. Like, Corey. That is something Panuleon will never stop being grateful for. But cars in his opinion are extremely slow substitutes for not having wings.

Corey was watching his soulmate, the wise and loving angel sitting next to him. He was listening to his thoughts and taking in his beauty. He never thought in a million years that he would be in this situation. But things can change with a click of a finger.

He loved the way Panuleon would watch things. His gaze would be full of such interest and care. Even when listening to a person speak, or watching a bird in the sky. He would see the good and the beauty in everything and that's one of the many qualities Corey loves about him.

He also loves how much power Panuleon brings with him, but he never shows it. He is an angel, a species in which most humans look up to for guidance and advice. but yet, he is incredibly humble and very modest.

When Corey came out of his thoughts, Panuleon was staring at him with a loving smile on his face. He was listening to his thoughts but he didn't want to embarrass him by returning the compliments. So he leant down and kissed his lips softly.

The warmth hit them both as they cherished the feeling.

Before he pulled away, Corey leant into him more, stealing another kiss. Panuleon smiled, making Corey's lips feel the smooth layer of his teeth.

"Get a room," They heard a snickering voice say from the front. As cheesy as that was, it made the boys pull away and Corey sink further into his chair. His cheeks blazing red. Corey's parents have not fully gripped the concept of him being in a relationship. And they still don't know how they can react around their affectionate side without being too embarrassing. Clearly, they still have a lot to learn.

After a few more minutes of comfortable silence, Panuleon suddenly sat forwards when something of interest caught his attention.

"Keep your eyes on that vehicle," He said and pointing to a silver Toyota.

"Why?" Richard asked and changed into the middle lane. They were driving on the motorway.

"Because they are not driving responsibly." His tone was serious and they knew better than to question the angel. He was right, the car was swerving over the lines and breaking suddenly.

"A drunk driver maybe?" Jenny asked, deciding to engage in the conversation. She doesn't like long car journeys.

"Looks like it," Richard said before pulling back into the first lane. He would rather be as far away from that driver as possible.

"Oh," The angel then said, making Corey look towards his hands. He could feel something strange happening.

"My fingers are tingling. This is a sign that I am needed." Panuleon's words made their attention turn away from the other car.

"For what?" Corey asked while he bent his fingers, feeling the same sensation as Panuleon.

"I'm needed to be someone's guardian angel."
As soon as the words left his mouth, there was a loud horn and a sudden screech of brakes.

Like any good driver, Richard had kept his eyes on the road and saw what was coming before anyone else. The supposedly 'drunk driver' had swerved back into the middle lane, making a car slam on its breaks, something you should never do on a motorway.

This caused the car behind to swerve and hit the side railing, creating it to roll several times before coming to a heavy halt on the third lane.

"You have to pull over immediately!" Panuleon knew he was needed.

Richard was already pulling onto the hard shoulder, trying to process what he just witnessed. As soon as the car had stopped, Corey got out so they could go over to the scene of the crash. They were not in danger of getting hit by a car as everyone around them had stopped with curiosity and concern.

They ran through the cars until they reached the crash scene. Corey stood back to let his angel do his thing. There was a lot of people surrounding the car but Panuleon could work around them.
Jenny, Richard and Samantha reached Corey just as Panuleon ripped the driver's door from the car.

People noticed the abnormal strength and backed away in fear and surprise. He didn't care that people were watching, he just needed to save the life that so desperately required his help.

He knelt down to see the driver covered in blood and she was unconscious. He needed to act fast. Without hesitation, he took her seatbelt from around her waist and in one swift action, he turned her around and pulled her out.

Nobody intervened, they were too drawn back by how quickly things were happening. The people around him were distracting, but the warm feeling of Corey in his chest was reassuring him to keep moving.

He looked at the woman who was barely alive, knowing that in a matter of seconds, he will save her life. He'll give her another day to live, another day to play with her children or give love to her partner. He's giving her another chance at life.
These are the moments of true responsibility that he loves. Before meeting Corey, his purpose in life was to help people.

Ever so gently, he placed his hands on the side of the woman's face. Healing her head was important. As he closed his eyes, he concentrated hard and Spread his cool healing energy to every part of her body.

No more than thirty seconds passed until she gasped for air. Panuleon watched her cough and wheeze. She was confused, panicked and maybe a little traumatised. He could hear the gasps and the whispers. He knew all eyes were on him.

But without a word, he got up and started walking in the direction of the car. Corey and his family silently followed, knowing that if they didn't leave now, he would get swarmed with so many questions, demanding answers.

Panuleon felt the pride flowing through his arms as excitement filtered around his body. Although, he would never show it. He didn't need to, Corey could already feel it.

When they were safely buckled up and back on the road, everyone let their true emotions slide out.

"Panuleon, that was incredible!" Corey beamed. "You just saved a life!"

The angel looked at his hands with a subtle smile. He loved it when his soulmate was proud of him, it was a very rewarding feeling.

"I can't believe I just saw that," Samantha played it over and over in her head. "What an amazing gift you have."

Richard felt his respect for Panuleon blow through the roof.

"I'm just glad I was able to help." Panuleon felt similar to how he felt in heaven. He would heal angels with injuries that severe every day. It felt good to have his angel purpose back, just for a second.

"I'm literally sitting next to an angel that just saved someone's life, simply because he could? You are my hero." Jenny breathed. She couldn't process the magnificent act that happened only moments ago. Everyone was taken back in awe of something so life changing.

Panuleon's eyes sparkled, he was feeling quite worthy and content of his successful efforts.

Everything truly does happen for a reason.

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