Chapter 50

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The sun was shining brightly in the afternoon sky. It peeked through the big window in Corey's room, giving his walls a happy, warm light.

"Panuleon?" Corey asked after a long while of comfortable silence. They were laying on his bed with the duvet covering their lower half, exposing their bare chests. They were cuddling into one another and feeling the comfort from the intimate connection they shared not long ago.

"hmm?" Panuleon hummed in response and watched Corey's fingers trace lightly over his skin.

"I'm glad we did that," He smiled to himself. There wasn't a moment of regret.

"Me too," Panuleon said softly and planted a kiss into his hair.

Now that they have shared this connection, anything that once made them self-conscious, shy or red-faced in the presence of each other is now gone. They will happily change in front of one another, maybe shower together and not feel embarrassed one single bit.

This happens among all soulmates, once they share a special moment, their love not only spreads from loving the person for who they are, but loving their body too.

Just then, there was three gentle knocks on the door before it opened. Richard had his hand covering his eyes as he walked into the bedroom.

"If you're doing anything I shouldn't see, stop now," He warned as Samantha shook her head at his actions.

"Boy's there's-" She trailed off when she noticed they didn't have any tops on and their clothes were scattered around the room.

Richard peeked between his fingers and took his hand down when he noticed he didn't interrupt anything. He frowned when he also noticed what Samantha was looking at. But it wasn't a happy frown.

"Are you two naked under there?" He asked.

Corey's red cheeks deepened as he started fiddling with Panuleon's fingers.

When they didn't reply, it indicated to Corey's parents that they did exactly what Richard had told them not to do. Not that they were surprised, they just weren't fully prepared for the lecture they will now have to give.

"Okay, get dressed, your lunch is ready. We're going to have a serious talk after," Richard sighed.
His tone wasn't harsh but it was stern enough for Corey to think that he might be in a little bit of trouble.

They both nodded before Corey's parents headed towards the door. When the door was shut, Corey looked at Panuleon with an amused smile.

"Do you not mind being in trouble?" Panuleon questioned, feeling his emotions.

"No, it was worth it," Corey said and sat up.
Panuleon smiled before linking his fingers together. "I need a shower and, I think you might too."

Without feeling embarrassed, they climbed out of bed.

"My body is fresh," The angel said and watched Corey's eyes scan him.

"How is that?" He questioned, remembering how his clothes are always so fresh too.

"I told you, angel magic," He smiled innocently. Corey chuckled before picking up his clothes and walking over to the bathroom. There was no need to shut the door, there was nothing for either of them to be embarrassed about anymore.

Panuleon was about to get dressed but curiosity got the better of him.

"Corey?" He asked with red cheeks, making him turn. "May I join you?"

His soulmate's smile sparkled his eyes before he walked back over and took his hand.

"Of course, you don't need to ask."

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