Chapter 2

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The boy waited no longer than ten minutes until Corey started to stir. He had spent the long minutes watching and re-thinking the incident in the alley, trying to piece information together. What was the human doing with that man? He understood that danger was upon him yet, finding out why was confusing. The man had seemed strange to him, his senses flared when they made contact.

Crouching down beside Corey made him feel very anxious. The human frowned and rubbed his eyes, causing the stranger to tense at his movement.

Corey was feeling groggy and confused. His back throbbed, his head thumped when his eyes tried to open. They struggled to focus in the dim light. It felt like he was waking up after taking an unexpected nap. Not recognising his surroundings was an instant nightmare. Was he still in a dream? It felt too real when his eyes settled on the stranger. That is when the intense panic kicked him in the chest.

He jolted up into sitting position incredibly fast. The stranger moved back so suddenly that he fell onto his back.

"W-Who the hell are you? What's going on, where am I?" Corey shuffled away, fearful of the unfamiliar person.

The stranger sat up and his eyes relaxed. Corey was no threat to him. In a calm and gentle tone, which took the human by surprise, he said, "Do not be afraid; I am not here to hurt you. What do you remember?"

Corey eyed him with suspicion.

"Um, I-I was in the alley with that man and then- and then you came. But-" Corey stopped with an abrupt frown, trying to remember the situation. Wing's invaded his thoughts which felt a little odd. "I think I'm confused."

The guy knew he was thinking about the one thing he should not have exposed.

"You are not confused."

Corey's expression turned serious.

"I am."

"What you saw earlier this evening, was not your imagination." The stranger observed him, getting ready to stop him from freaking out. He was not sure why he did not pretend and go along with the human's disbelief. Something was telling him that it was easier to be truthful.

Corey sat with an open mouth. He closed it when he was not able to find exact words.

"B-But, it must have been a- you're- you're crazy!" He portrayed such confusion, the guy almost smiled. His attention was swayed when he heard a noise coming from outside. His hearing was incredibly sharp, Corey heard nothing when he sprung to his feet, making him very anxious.

A creamy glow appeared behind the guy. He could not help suppressing his secret while his magnificent wings showed once more. He stood protectively, listening, watching, and waiting. All he could hear was a gasp from the human who scrambled to his feet and stepped away.

Corey stared in amazement and fear. He wasn't dreaming, and the stranger wasn't crazy. Maybe he was the crazy one?

The boy turned, and his wings disappeared once more. He could not help it, showing them when a change of emotion washes over him was compulsory. That is why he often stays in the shadows and explores the quiet areas of the globe, where he can remain calm and relaxed. Up until now, Corey is the only one who has seen his wings.

"What are you?" he whispered. Deep down, he already knew the answer.

The stranger took a breath; he felt hesitation. Humans should not know this, but the niggling sensation in his mind told him to admit his pure form.

"I am an Angel," the boy replied, clear as day. He wavered, of course, it was a big thing to reveal. "He has seen my wings so, he may as well know what I am," he thought when Corey blinked, somewhat amazed.

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