Chapter 48

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The wave had washed the boys almost a mile away from the rocks. They didn't know what was happening and what might be said between Zachariah and the other angels of higher power.

It took a matter of seconds for Panuleon to land in the hallway with Corey tightly gripping onto him. He hates flying and wasn't sure if he'd ever get used to it.

They both stood extremely still and listened carefully. They could hear talking in the kitchen but luckily they were voices they could recognise.
The angel took his soulmate's wrist and held him close, just in case they needed to quickly escape or he needed protecting.

"Can you sense anything?" Corey whispered.

"I can sense Samuel and Zachariah but It's better to be careful," He whispered back as they approached the kitchen.

Slowly, they entered.

Jenny and Corey's parents were pacing with worried expressions. Panuleon's parents and Zachariah were discussing things intensely. When the boys came into view, their heads snapped up quickly and expressions of relief spread through their faces.

Corey was instantly pulled into a very tight hug from his parents. Panuleon was also hugged by his parents but they are still getting used to each other so it didn't last long before it was Zachariah's turn.

"Corey you're freezing! We saw that wave wash completely over the both of you. We were so worried!" Samantha said and examined his damp clothes.

"We're both okay but I need to go get dry." Corey exchanged a glance with Panuleon.

"When he is changed and warm, you need to tell us what happened," The angel said to Zachariah while his soulmate took his hand and slowly guided him towards the door.

"Yes, I will." He nodded before they disappeared down the hall. 

There was no time to talk, Corey immediately went to the bathroom and changed. His fingers were cold and weak. His body parts felt like someone had pressed a slow motion button but at least he was safe and away from any rivers.

Panuleon came into the bathroom when Corey pulled a thick, oversized jumper over his head. He could feel how cold he still was and didn't hesitate to pull him into a hug. Corey could feel he was trying to help and his warmth and love were definitely doing the job.

"I'll warm up soon," He smiled and closed his eyes. He took in the familiar scent of his soulmate.

"I know, I just wanted to have you close," Panuleon mumbled into his hair, creating little sparkles of affection flow between them. "Over the past few weeks, you have been exposed to quite a lot of danger. I promise there will be a time in our lives where we can live freely and safe." 

Their relationship is just something new which has raised some excitement. He believes the chaos will eventually die down.

Corey was silent for a moment. Panuleon would think of it as danger but most of it feels like one huge adventure to him. Yes, there were dangers and still is, but these experiences are new and he wouldn't trade most of them for anything.

"I love you," He smiled before standing up and onto his tiptoes. He reached up and pulled the angel's head down so he could kiss him. Those words, now that they have been said, it felt so natural coming out of his mouth.

"I... love... you too," Panuleon said in-between kisses until he pulled his head back up and rubbed Corey's arms, creating some heat. "Do you feel warmer?"

The colour was coming back to his cheeks but he does blush a lot.

"I am. Thanks," He grinned, creating more warmth circulate in Panuleon's chest.

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