Chapter 53

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Corey felt freezing cold. His whole body was aching from the lack of energy. He felt completely drained of any willpower to wake up. His head was empty as his conscious mind started to surface from the deep sleep he was in. He felt confused, heavy, drowsy and sore.

More sounds were becoming vibrant to his ears. He could hear birds singing through closed windows. The sound was sweet and calming compared to how beaten down his body felt.

A few more moments went by until he felt conscious. His eyes were too heavy and tired to open so he concentrated on the warmth of Panuleon, circulating in his chest. He could feel that he was close but his craving to feel his touch was very overpowering.

With all his strength, he moved his right hand, trying to find his angel.

Almost instantly, another warm hand wrapped around it, filling his chest with so much love. He then felt another hand starting to rub gently on his back.

"Corey, can you hear me?" Panuleon's soothing voice asked.

A little whimper was all he could manage in response. His head was full of fog.

More minutes went by until Corey felt awake enough to open his eyes. His vision was blurry until he managed to focus on the side of Panuleon's thigh.

He was sitting next to him on his bed, watching him closely. He could feel how emotionally and physically run down he was, but there was nothing he could do. He had already tried to heal Corey but as it was caused by the power within, he could not heal that. He would have to wait until Corey regained his strengths on his own. But he knew a lot of rest would make him better. 

The harsh daylight hit Corey's eyes but he managed to blink a few times to familiarise them to the light.

Ever so slowly, he rolled around and onto his back. His stiff, sore limbs and heavy body caused him to close his eyes for a few seconds so he could collect his strength.

When he re-opened them, Panuleon's concern was showing in his expression. Corey had to reassure him that he was in control of his body again.


"Shh, It's alright, you don't have to say anything. I know," Panuleon said softly.

Corey wished that he could get up and cuddle his whole body into his. He wanted nothing more than to feel his comforting arms holding him tightly. But he barely had the strength to move his fingers.

Panuleon could hear what he was thinking.

Gently, he pulled Corey's weak body up and settled him softly in between his legs. He rested his chest against his and let his head fall against his shoulder. Corey breathed Panuleon's scent in deeply and took a moment to cherish the love he feels from his soulmate.

"You're so brave Corey, I'm so proud of you," He whispered into his ear. What Corey had to go through to gain control of his own body was difficult beyond belief.

Corey managed a little smile as he nuzzled his head further into the side of Panuleon's neck.

"I-It's cold," He whispered and pulled his hoody sleeves over his hands. He looked down to see he was in his pyjamas. Panuleon must have changed him after he was soaked from the rain.

The angel leant down and tugged the duvet up the bed and pulled it up to his soulmate's shoulders before hugging him tightly.

"Thank you," Corey smiled tiredly and closed his eyes.

"You're welcome," Panuleon said while stroking his fingers through his hair. 

A little while longer, Corey's parents came into the bedroom to check on him. They opened the door to see him sitting against Panuleon, curled up in his duvet and looking incredibly worn out.
Samantha breathed a big sigh of relief that he was finally awake.

They both walked over and sat on the end of his bed.

"Hey love, how're you feeling?" Samantha asked. Corey didn't have the strength to lift his head up from Panuleon.

"Tired," He croaked quietly.

"I don't know how you're tired after sleeping for almost two days," Richard chuckled. He was thankful that Corey seemed to be a lot better than the state he was in a few nights ago.

"Two days?" He frowned in shock. He has never slept for that long before, but why is he still so tired?

"Yeah, that gold power thing is quite something," His dad said and smiled at the comfort Panuleon was giving his son.

For the whole time that Corey has been asleep, the angel never left his side. He was always there, watching over him, making sure he was comfortable and waiting patiently until he woke.

"Can we get you anything? Do you want something to eat or drink?" Samantha asked kindly, giving Corey a sympathetic smile. He really did look exhausted.

"Could I have some water please mum?" He whispered and brought his hands up to rub his eyes.

"Sure love." Samantha will be forcing him to eat and drink things all day.


"Yes," He smiled before kissing his temple.

"Can you carry me downstairs?"

Panuleon loved his cuteness.

"Of course I can," He beamed while leaning forwards so he could get a better grip.

With Corey still wrapped in his duvet, Panuleon lifted him up and off the bed. His parents let him lead the way as he held his human tight.

When they got downstairs, Panuleon sat Corey slowly on the couch. He was still feeling cold, sore and drowsy but rest will be the best medicine.
Samantha came through with a big glass of fresh water as Richard put some toast on the coffee table, just in case he get's a little hungry.

They were going to watch him extra carefully today. The gold in his eyes wasn't showing more than usual, but by what Panuleon could tell them, he went through a lot to fight it off. Having something so strong inside their son was frightening. They hoped that one day he would learn to control it and use it wisely.

What confused Corey is the fact that he managed to switch it off after he attacked the demons. How did he do that? But he wasn't in any sort of mood to even think about it, let alone try it again. It's definitely safe to say he won't be attempting anything like that anytime soon.

After he drank all the water, Panuleon took the glass and placed it on the table before picking up part of the duvet and crawling underneath it.

He sat as close to Corey as he could possibly get while wrapping his arms around him.

"How are you doing?" Corey asked, remembering the high level of concern he had in his expression the night he collapsed. It still hurts for him to remember his angel like that.

"I was incredibly worried at first. But now you're awake and getting better, I'm feeling much happier."

Corey was glad to hear that and listening to his voice was so calming.

"I'm happy if you're happy," He whispered.
Panuleon chuckled while leaning his face in close.

"It's a soulmate thing."

He then planted a kiss onto Corey's lips.

It's the first kiss they have shared in two days.

Panuleon could feel that his soulmate didn't want him to pull away, so he didn't. They kissed gently because Corey couldn't handle anything more. It was enough to settle their cravings as the angel kept his forehead leaning against his.

They wanted nothing more than to be in the presence of one another.

Samantha and Richard were sitting on the opposite couch. They couldn't interrupt something so cute.

Panuleon put his arm around Corey's shoulders so he could gently pull his body closer. Corey kissed him a few more times before resting his hands on his warm chest, feeling the steady beat of the angel's loving heart.

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