Chapter 21

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The night was peaceful.

Corey slept deeply as Panuleon lay with him but kept his senses sharp, just in case any demons decide to make an appearance.

Surprisingly they didn't.

"Maybe they have backed off now that I've killed their leader," Panuleon thought to himself and glanced down at Corey.

His head was resting on his chest and he hadn't stirred once during the night.

He rubbed his thumb gently on his arm. He felt complete to have him so close.

He then heard Corey's parents get up and wonder slowly downstairs.

He knows there is still a lot of explaining to do in terms of his relationship with Corey and who he actually is. He needs to help them come to terms with the chaos they went through yesterday.

They're good people, they'll learn to understand.

* * * * *

Half an hour went by until Corey started to wake.

He felt warm and comfortable while he stretched his well-rested body.

He could feel the warmth of the angel underneath him, it immediately excited his emotions. But when he opened his eyes, he was still extremely tired.

Corey lifted his head to meet Panuleon's gaze. He blushed lightly and sat up. He had slept on top of him all night and that thought made his heart feel a little fuzzy.

"Morning," He yawned but laying tiredly back down next to his soulmate, making him chuckle.

"Good morning Corey."

Panuleon watched him with interest.

"I wonder what it's like to feel so... tired," He thought.

"It's not that great" Corey admitted.

The angel then remembered the whole mind reading thing.

"I feel like I could sleep for a bit longer" The human mumbled as he felt his eyelids getting heavier.

"Go back to sleep, Corey. I will check on your parents" Panuleon smiled and stood up.

He looked down to see him nodding slowly, his eyes were also closing.

He watched him a little longer, feeling the warmth and the happiness from just being close. It was still strange to have such strong feelings for him, but he also liked it.

* * * * *

Corey's parents were in the living room, sitting on the couch opposite the window.

The daylight shined on their tired faces as Panuleon could tell they both didn't sleep very well last night.

"Morning," Samantha said as they both watched him sit on the opposite couch.

"Good morning" He replied and linked his fingers together. He resting his back gently against the cushions.

"We've been thinking a lot about yesterday. Are we always going to be in danger of those... People?" Richard asked as he put his drink on the coffee table.

"I'm not entirely sure. First, I have to spy on the demons who I know are in this area, so I can find out any more information. But I fear to leave you and Corey alone in case they attack again."

He thought about maybe taking Corey with him to spy on the demons. That way they might not go after his parents if Corey isn't home.

"I would prefer it if you stayed with Corey," Richard said. "I know this world isn't safe for either of you, but you can fight, he can't."

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