Chapter 46

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Everyone watched the stranger carry Jenny to the picnic blanket. He knelt down and placed her next to Samantha.

Monica, Samuel and Panuleon didn't understand. Why was he here? Was his presence good, or bad? Did he bring important information or was it a simple visit?

Corey tugged gently on his angel's hand to get his attention.

"Who is it?" He whispered. He could feel that this man was familiar to Panuleon and he could see the glances he shared with his parents.

Panuleon leant down and pressed his lips to Corey's ear so Richard, who was standing next to them, didn't hear.

"It's the angel of higher power who raised me and looked after me in heaven," He whispered and pulled back to watching his expression. Corey didn't show much, he knew Panuleon didn't want to draw attention and make this matter more serious than what it could potentially be. 

The stranger stood up and brought his gaze towards Samuel and Monica who he hasn't seen since they tried to kidnap Panuleon when he was very young. He then turned his gaze towards the angel. He had a cautious expression, almost like he expected something to happen.

But without warning, the stranger pulled a knife out of thin air.

Panuleon immediately flashed his wings before grabbing Corey and pulling him into his chest.
Samuel stepped in front of Monica, protecting her.

"What are your intentions?" He asked simply, not understanding why he had a weapon.

"I had to make sure you would not attack. After what had happened, I wasn't certain if your revengeful thoughts would get the better of you."
His reply made Panuleon relax. The man was simply protecting himself. He was the reason Monica and Samuel got sent to earth and he was the one that sent Panuleon to earth.

But there is more to the story than that, there are reasons as to why he did what he did. 

Jenny was suddenly fearful, sitting at the feet of a stranger with a knife. What is he talking about? Does he know Monica and Samuel?

Samantha who was next to Jenny didn't move. She could've been in serious danger but she would never leave her sister's side when she couldn't protect herself.

Richard was intensely staring at the man. If he was to make a move, he would do whatever he could to protect his family.

"What is going on? Sam, who is this guy?" Richard asked.

When the man put his weapon away, they stepped forwards and got ready to explain.

"Everyone, this is Zachariah. He is Panuleon's guardian."

Nobody really knew what to say, was this a bad thing or a good thing?

"I will explain why I'm here," Zachariah said and sat next to Jenny on the blanket. It was hesitant, but everyone slowly sat around the blanket too. They were still cautious but Panuleon knew this angel very well and he knew he would never hurt anyone unless he absolutely had to.

"Wait a second, Jenny what happened to your ankle?" Samantha asked.

Her ankle was now swollen and looking very sore.

"Oh, I tripped at the top of the hill and if it wasn't for Zachariah, I would've fallen right off the edge. He saved me," Jenny looked up to him with a big smile. She was slowly starting to see him in a better light.

Zachariah gave her a smile that interested Panuleon. He has never seen him look at anyone with so much... warmth.

"Stay still Jenny, let me heal you."

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